![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The Tulsa Race Riot Of 1921](https://www.nydailynews.com/resizer/X1jDY5FuPp_u3ONUnjbRfdJGXXE=/1200x0/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/TU3LN7PQMVH5BBTWIIZRYPEBXY.jpg)
The Tulsa Race Riot Of 1921 - regret
I grew up in Oklahoma, a former Indian Territory state where my Tribe, the Cherokee Nation, and 37 other sovereign nations still make their home. Yet access to my Native history was limited. As a kid, I was enthralled by the stories of the past. I loved learning about people, places, and events that happened long ago. The majority of my childhood was spent in or around Tulsa, with trips to the local zoo and the amusement park. Some of my happiest childhood memories occurred within the Tulsa city limits. The Tulsa I knew and loved came into question one day in a community college lecture hall in Tallahassee, Florida, when my professor talked about the Tulsa Race Massacre of The Tulsa I grew up in? The Tulsa Race Riot Of 1921.A Fraction of the Truth: Black Hills, Tulsa Race Riots, and Radium Girls
Scientists in Oklahoma are one step closer to finding possible evidence of mass graves The Tulsa Race Riot Of 1921 to the deadly race massacre of Researchers in Tulsa used ground-penetrating radar to survey two sites and found irregularities that could be consistent with large-scale burials. The neighborhood of Greenwood was known as Black Wall Street. Restaurants, grocery stores and tailors were all black-owned businesses. In a white mob burned much of the Tulsa neighborhood to the ground, Thhe some say as many as black residents were killed. Almost forgotten by history, the city is trying to uncover the past and heal the wounds.
Photojournalist Kavin Ross said he's grateful that a tragic, little known part of Tulsa history is now coming to light. The white mob clashed with several armed black men who had gathered to protect a black shoe shiner who was unjustly accused of assaulting a white woman.
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After a shot was fired, violence broke out and hundreds of black people were massacred. You had people running for their lives.

It was just hell on earth," Ross said. The horror was brought to life in the premiere episode of HBO's new series "Watchmen. At a public forum Monday, scientists confirmed they discovered what appears to be an underground pit roughly 30 by 25 feet, which they said is large enough for up to bodies. That's the first time that we've had anyone say that from a technical standpoint in an open forum, in a meeting like this or to us," Tulsa Mayor G. Bynum said.]

It is remarkable, rather useful piece