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Evelin Lindner: The Role of Dignity and Humiliation for Intercultural Communication

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The number of international students in the United States has grown tremendously over the years, from around , in —71 to over a million in the —19 academic year Enrollment Trends, This increase is partly due to globalization as well as other social and political efforts to internationalize U. This substantial increase has far-reaching implications for advising professionals who are often among the first college representatives welcoming international students. The continued influx of international students at American higher education institutions demands a better understanding of the motivation, background, needs, expectations, and challenges of these students which can only be achieved through adequate training for academic advisors. They serve as an overall support system for students, familiarizing them with both institutional and governmental policies and procedures as well as degree requirements, introducing them to academic and cultural norms, assisting them in defining their academic and professional goals, helping them choose degree plans and courses, providing emotional support, and linking them with other resources and networks as needed Bista, ; Saha, ; Weill, ; Zhang, International student advisors go beyond simply fulfilling routine functions and often serve as both friends and allies to their advisees Weill, ; Zhang, They are seen by international students as crucial supporters, ranking closely behind family and friends and international support offices Zhai, In addition, advisors play a valuable role in the lives of their international advisees by motivating and empowering them, aiding in their transition from their home countries Saha, In fact, research has shown that closer advisor-advisee relationships resulted in higher persistence and a greater sense of belonging among international students Mataczynski, ; Saha, ; Zhai, ; Zhang, , Despite these important aspects of academic advising, the literature suggests that many advisors still lack sufficient knowledge and skills for effective advising. The Role Of Intercultural Communication In The The Role Of Intercultural Communication In The.

Think about your experiences and feelings on this topic as well as how other immigrants think about establishing ones cultural identity in the United States. Identity basically refers to our reflective views of ourselves and other perceptions of our selfimages. Ting-Toomeyp.

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Martin and Nakayamap. Much of what we know about other cultures comes from popular culture. The influence of popular culture on the development of cultural identity is often overlooked. But many folk traditions are embedded in Communucation history of a cultural group, and their continuance can be very important to group members.


Popular culture has wider audience appeal, and in many ways it is helpful to view popular culture as contrary to and complementary to folk culture. The complexity of popular culture is often overlooked: people are concerned about the social effects of pop culture, but they look down on the study of folk and popular culture. Products of U. These seem to cross cultural and linguistic boundaries with relative ease, so much so that hardly any systematic research has been done to find out why they are so successful. However, U.

The Role Of Intercultural Communication In The

Americans are very rarely exposed to popular culture from other nations. The imbalance of cultural texts globally renders U. Americans more dependent on U.

The Role Of Intercultural Communication In The

Popular culture is a reconceptualized notion of low culture. Using this definition, television, music videos, and popular magazines would be systems of popular culture. Popular culture consists of forms of contemporary culture made popular by and for the people. Intercultural contact and intercultural communication influence the creation and maintenance of popular culture. Four significant characteristics of popular culture are: a. It is produced by culture industries. It is different from folk culture. It is everywhere. It fills a read more function.

Popular culture is nearly always produced within capitalist systems by culture industries that see products of popular culture as economically profitable commodities. We are bombarded with popular culture, and it is difficult to avoid. Popular culture serves as a forum for the discussion of social issues. The ways people negotiate their relationships to popular culture are complex, making it difficult to understand the role of popular culture in intercultural communication.

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People do not passively consume popular culture; they are quite active consumers or resisters of popular culture. Consuming and Resisting Popular Culture A. Consuming Popular Culture: Faced with so many cultural texts, people negotiate their way through popular culture in quite different ways. Popular culture does not have to win over the majority of the people to be considered click here. People seek out or avoid certain forms of popular culture. Hall pointed Th that meaning is never fixed, but is always being constructed within various contexts. Encoding is the construction of The Role Of Intercultural Communication In The meaning by popular culture institutions.

Popular magazines even make their reader profiles available to advertisers. Each magazine targets a particular readership and sells this readership to advertisers. How Magazines Respond to the Needs of Cultural Identities: Magazines respond to the cultural and political needs of cultural identities in these ways: a.]

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