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The Reign Of Akbar The Great And The Reign Of Akbar The Great And

The Mughals retained aspects of Mongol culture well into the sixteenth century, such as the arrangement of tents around the royal camp during military maneuvers. Jahangir, the son of Akbar, ruled the empire between and Sponsors of art and of learning, the Mughals left a rich heritage of buildings, paintings and literature. In it was defeated by the army of the Persian shah, Nadir Shah In Ahmad Shah of Afghanistan looted Delhi.

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Complacent in their military superiority, the Mughals failed to modernize their technology. While no Indians could challenge their cannon, outsiders could.

The Reign Of Akbar The Great And

Increasingly, the Mughal emperors grew less interested in good governance and more interested in maintaining their lavish lifestyle and expensive court. Maintaining the Mughal lifestyle meant higher taxes, from which the taxpayers derived no benefit. Economic prosperity was regarded as a threat to the security of the state, and so was discouraged the more wealthy people could purchase arms and rebel.

Akbar : The Great Leader Of The Mughal Empire

Under an initial treaty with the Mughals inthe British first built factories; by in the Treaty of Allahabad they acquired tax raising and administrative power in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, after which the Mughal emperor Akbaar their puppet. At times, the Mughals experimented in establishing good inter-religious relations with the non-Hindu majority, employing Hindus in senior posts.

The Reign Of Akbar The Great And

Lessons can be learned from the Mughal legacy on how to govern multi-racial, multi-religious societies. He enjoyed good relations with the emerging Sikh community, and it was proclaimed the state religion until his death. He is known to have treated non-Muslims harshly. Under Aurangzeb, Mughal court life changed dramatically.

According to his interpretation, Islam did not allow music, so he banished court musicians, dancers, and singers. Further, based on Muslim precepts forbidding images, he stopped the production of representational artwork, including the miniature paintings for which the Th are renowned. Even the Taj Mahal is reputedly built on a sacred Hindu site, although this is disputed.

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At times, popular Sufi teachers such as attracted Hindu and Muslim disciples while some Hindu gurus were also popular among Muslims. Many Sufi are still visited by Hindus as well as Muslims.

The Mughals tended to regard themselves as rulers by divine right, rather than as subject to Islamic law. Thus, they did not afford religious scholars much authority.

The Reign Of Akbar The Great And

Whether the earlier policies of harmonizing religions were merely pragmatic or stemmed from a more inclusive understanding of Islam is debatable. He taught that all people are members of one family and he drew on Muslim and Hindu devotional traditions. As a result of increasingly heavy taxation initially the Mughals had not overtaxedrevolt was encouraged as local people objected to the amount of money spent on the lavish Mughal court.

Initially, this also encouraged economic development, establishing a strong system of banking and Te, and issuing paper money. Increasingly, however, they bled the country of its wealth to feed their lifestyle. Ignoring development, they failed to keep pace with the developments of the rest of the world, including those of weapon technology. Babur was driven from Samarkand and initially established his rule in Kabul in ; he later became the first Mughal ruler — His determination was to expand eastward into Punjab, where he had made a number of forays including an attack on the Gakhar stronghold of Pharwala.

Babur defeated the Lodi sultan decisively at Panipat in modern-day Haryana, about 90 kilometers north of Delhi.]

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