The Theory Of The Lord Lies -

The Theory Of The Lord Lies

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The Theory Of The Lord Lies - apologise, but

Get the Special Black Friday deal! We all know what the moral to The Lorax is, right? Respect the environment and conservation. At least, you are wrong if we are talking about the movie version of The Lorax. You see, that movie made some Changes that kind of ruin that message. In fact, it almost turns it on it's head and says the opposite. Get yourself some Theory Wear! Try Epidemic Sound. Disclaimer: Film Theory is not responsible for any psychological trauma inflicted by the Onceler fandom. The Theory Of The Lord Lies

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The Theory Of The Lord Lies

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Apologies if this has been pointed out before. I did my research, but couldn't find any theories like this at all. A criticism that's often pointed out about the world of A Song of Ice and Fireespecially about its history, is the continued stability of politics, cultures, geography, The Starks have supposedly been in power for over 8, years, starting with Brandon the Builder. Few dynasties in our own history have lasted more than three centuries, let alone for eight millennia. So, does it make sense that there has been a Stark in Winterfell see more that long?

The Theory Of The Lord Lies

According to this theory, it does. I was wondering: what if Stark is not just a surname, but a title? Or at least, a title that's grown into a surname at some point in history.

The Theory Of The Lord Lies

There is some Th for this, e. This would mean that the current Stark family doesn't necessarily descend directly from Brandon the Builder. Giving the current ruler of the North the title 'Stark' as a tradition would make much more sense than having a bloodline run uninterrupted for hundreds of generations. Regardless of who was in power, they were given the name 'Stark'.]

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