The Inability to Define Cultural Heritage Tourism -

The Inability to Define Cultural Heritage Tourism Video

The Relevance of Cultural Heritage: Identity The Inability to Define Cultural Heritage Tourism

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View transcript. Thank you very much for the invitation to come and speak here. I greatly have enjoyed my time in China this time. And Rouran has made sure that I got to see some of the significant heritage sites in this area of China. And it has been an absolute delight. And I should say I am obviously Australian. Slow down.

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So what I wanna talk to you about today is research that I have been doing for more than ten years now. It become quite an epic issue in my life. I hope cross next year on this research. It has been meant to have been coming out in the last couple of years, but being a head, as your dean will tell you, being head of a large Herittage cohort is not easy, and it is very time consuming.

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And it taken me away from our research. Very simply. What does those visit both individually and collectively do? What do they do? What do they do in society? What are the consequences? What is the cultural work that visiting does? What is the social work in society?

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What is political work that visiting certain heritage sites as tourists do? Now in here contexts in the west, there are a number of dominant assumptions about why people visit and what this visiting does.

The two assumptions are that people go to visit heritage sites for education, for their education, or they go to have a nice day out, simply to do leisure, to recreate. Now both of those things may be true. But in anglophone context, we tend to stop there.]

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