How Happiness Can Improve Productivity -

How Happiness Can Improve Productivity Video

The happy secret to better work - Shawn Achor How Happiness Can Improve Productivity. How Happiness Can Improve Productivity

We live in a world obsessed with achieving results.

State of flow how to achieve it.

In such a world, satisfaction all too often remains the mysterious holy grail that we never find. Happiness at work is a big thing today. Business leaders from around the globe — and from all kinds of industries — are ever more How Happiness Can Improve Productivity of this fact. They realize that Cah is not just feel-good nonsense. Happy employees are more productive and engaged with their work. This directly drives profitability. Emotionally disconnected employees, on the other hand, can drag a company down. This means that only one-third of people enjoy and feel satisfied with their jobs. These stats make it clear why happiness at work is turning into a major topic for business leaders.

Happiness is an elusive idea. Happy employees feel engaged and enthusiastic about their work.

Why Gratitude Is Good

These employees do their best to achieve company goals. Team productivity naturally goes up, and so do the company profits. When a customer meets a cheerful and open person, they feel more connected with your brand. Happier employees thus raise the level of customer loyalty.

What good is gratitude?

Last but not least, happy employees are better colleagues and team players. You can truly foster a strong company culture only if your staff is satisfied at work. Making your employees happy creates pleasant working environment.

It also makes your business more successful. Employee happiness should be a core goal rather than a short-term initiative.

How Happiness Can Improve Productivity

When you prioritize happiness, you can expect all of these benefits:. Employee engagement is crucial for financial performance. There is a direct link between employee satisfaction and involvement and business results. Replacing employees is a natural part of any business. However, if you have a high turnover rate, that can become an expensive problem. You should base your company culture around employee satisfactionnot competitiveness.

How Happiness Can Improve Productivity

Of course, friendly competition can be useful.]

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