The Fate Of The South -

The Fate Of The South

The Fate Of The South - think, what

This past week, Mr. Bushiri, 37, appeared to perform another remarkable feat: spiriting himself out of South Africa, where he faces charges of fraud and money laundering, and back to his home country of Malawi, without a passport and undetected by law enforcement officials. His disappearance has set off a power struggle between the governments of South Africa and Malawi, the small southern African country to which he fled, and which is now facing political pressure to turn him in. The megachurch, which he says has at least a million followers in South Africa alone, is one of the fastest-growing churches on the continent, and has branches in several other African countries. Bushiri has also built up a business empire, with an investment company with interests in mining and real estate. He has tried to use his money to influence politics in his Malawi, and at least one politician from the governing African National Congress in South Africa credits his career to Mr. The case against Mr. But the prosecutors have never released details of the case. Bushiri has denied the charges and after skipping bail, posted a statement on Twitter saying that he and his wife fled after years of threats to their lives. His spokesman did not respond to multiple requests for comment. The Fate Of The South.

Is it still cool to memorize a lot of stuff? Is there even a reason to memorize anything? Having a lot of information in your head was maybe never cool in the sexy-cool sense, more in the geeky-cool or class-brainiac sense.

The Fate Of The South

But people respected the ability to rattle off the names of all the state capitals, or to recite the periodic table. It was a harmless show of superiority, and it gave people a kind of species pride.

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There is still no artificial substitute for the ability to dunk. It remains a valued and nontransferrable aptitude. But today who needs to know the capital of South Dakota or the atomic number of hafnium Pierre and 72? Siri, or whatever chatbot you use, can get you that information in nanoseconds. Remember when, back in the B. Now you ask your smartphone, which is Souyh already in your hand. I just did: Took less than a second. And names and dates are the least of it. As you contemplate another glass, Siri places in your hand a list of sites where that concept is explained, also in under a second. There is also, of course, tons The Fate Of The South instant information that is actually useful, like instructions for grilling corn on the cob, or unclogging a bathtub drain. You do not have to pay a Fatee. Leaving the irrefutably dire and dystopian effects of the Web aside for a moment, this is an amazing accomplishment.

The Fate Of The South

Search engines work faster than the mind, and they are way more accurate. There is plenty of misinformation on the Web, but there is plenty of misinformation in your head, too. I just told you what the atomic number of hafnium is. Do you remember it correctly?

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The most radical change that instant information has made is the levelling of content. There is no longer a distinction between things that everyone knows, or could readily know, and things that only experts know. There is no such thing as esoterica anymore. We are all pedants now. Is this a cause for concern?

The Fate Of The South

Has it changed the economic and social value of knowledge? Has it put scholars and plumbers of business and made expertise obsolete? In the early years of the Web, the hub around which such questions circled was Wikipedia. The authors survey many aspects of the Wiki world, not always uncritically, but the consensus is that Wikipedia is the major success story of the Internet era.

Wikipedia took off like a shot. Within a month, it had a thousand articles, a number that would have been impossible using a traditional editorial chain of command.]

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