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Week 5 Assessment 108
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A Letter Regarding The Availability Of Affordable A Letter Regarding The Availability Of Affordable

Apply accounting principles and standards when accounting for non-current assets. Develop information gathering research and communication strategies to enable the provision of professional advice to a client, via a business letter and video presentation. Assignment will be completed individually: Any work which has been copied or shared between students will result in a Fail grade for all students concerned. So please make sure that the answer to this assignment is your own Avaiability and not copied from any source.

General Information

Note that marks are also allocated for professional presentation, grammar and spelling. Please check the marking sheet included below for each part to ensure that you have followed all the guidelines for presenting your work. Please make sure you follow the guidelines noted in your subject outline especially those relating to presentation, late policy and academic integrity. The manager of your firm, Ms Miley Jaspen go here asked you to draft a letter in response to an email received from a client — Mr Martin Wahlburg, the Managing Director of Shadow Ltd, raising 2 A Letter Regarding The Availability Of Affordable accounting issues regarding his company — see the copy of the email on the next page. The maximum length of the covering letter is 1 page. The maximum word limit for all parts of the assignment should be 1, words.

Thank you for your phone call this morning, as agreed I am emailing you regarding the accounting issues we briefly discussed. By the way to assist the accounting team in our decision-making process could you please make sure you reference any relevant sources relating to your advice, for example, AASBs, Corporations Act, and other relevant articles or websites.

Premier’s Statement – Commission of Inquiry

Issue 1. Shadow Ltd has recently obtained some patents considered useful in its manufacture of leather handbags. The patents consist of:. Shadow Ltd is also in the process of preparing an application for a patent for a new process of softening leather. It has spent a number of years refining this process. Please prepare a detailed report on the principles of how to account for patents, using the examples above to illustrate the appropriate accounting procedures. Issue 2.

A Letter Regarding The Availability Of Affordable

I have also been analysing the financial reports provided by the accountant, who has been with the firm for a number of years. In particular, they believe that the depreciation charges are not high enough in relation to the factory machines because new technology applied in that area is rapidly making the machines obsolete. Please discuss and summarise our options for accounting for our Reegarding correctly. Please respond by letter not email as I would like to present this to the Board.

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I look forward to hearing from you shortly. Any sources that you use need to be acknowledged in order to avoid plagiarism. Failure to do so will result in penalties.]

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