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The Continued Influence Of The Founders

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President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.

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Biden, whose margin in Arizona is currently over 11, votes, or about 0. Four years ago, Mr. Trump the state by 3. That Arizona — the home of the late Senator John McCain and Senator Barry Goldwater, a founder of the 20th century conservative political movement and the Republican presidential nominee — was in play for Democrats at all is remarkable.

Before the state voted for Mr.

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Clinton, the last Democrat it had supported for president was Harry S. Truman in The Arizona victory brings Mr.

The Continued Influence Of The Founders

Biden to electoral Founcers20 more than the required to take the White House. Republicans have been mounting long-shot legal attempts to try to upend results in key battleground states, but they have mostly been dealt setbacks — and some of their cases deal with small numbers of ballots.

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For instance, Mr. Trump would have to invalidate roughly 55, Pennsylvania votes to overturn Mr. The rebuke, in a statement by a Thf council overseeing the voting systems used around the country, never mentioned Mr. Trump by name. But it amounted to a remarkable corrective to a wave of disinformation that Mr. Trump has been pushing across his Twitter feed.

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Coming directly from one of Mr. The statement also came as a previously unified Republican Party showed signs of cracking on link question of whether to keep backing the president. Across the country, election officials have said the vote came off smoothlywith no reports of systemic fraud Foundfrs any state, no sign of foreign interference in the voting infrastructure and no hardware or software failures beyond the episodic glitches that happen in any election.

The group that issued the statement was the Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council, which includes top officials from the cybersecurity agency, the U. Election Assistance Commission and secretaries of state and state election directors from around the country. The group also includes representatives from the voting machine industry, which has often been accused of being slow to Cntinued to technological shortcomings The Continued Influence Of The Founders resistant to creating paper backups. SangerMatt Stevens and Nicole Perlroth.

The Continued Influence Of The Founders

Biden in the dark potentially endangers the country.]

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