The Afghanistan War Of Afghanistan -

The Afghanistan War Of Afghanistan Video

The House Of War (Afghanistan War Documentary) - Timeline The Afghanistan War Of Afghanistan

Five passionate activists, all with extensive personal experience in Afghanistan, a country whose civilization dates back over 5, years and on whose land the U.

The Afghanistan War Of Afghanistan

The U. The morning after this webinar, the House Armed Services Committee will hold a hearing on keeping it going. You can also share this email with friends who might want to attend.

Richard Marles says Brereton report is 'searingly honest'

And you can think of questions you plan to ask. Ann Wright will be the moderator.

The Afghanistan War Of Afghanistan

Maintaining thousands of troops in indefinite occupation is far from a rethinking of the logic of militarism, particularly when past drawdowns have been repeatedly undermined by troop surges, redeployments to nearby countries, increased reliance on private contractors, and the dramatic growth of aerial warfare, resulting in massive increases in civilian deaths. A responsible end to endless war means not just cutting and running.

(15 Videos)

In place of military action, we must make deep investments in diplomacy, conflict prevention, and peacebuilding to address the underlying drivers of conflict. We must also work to support Afghan-led efforts for accountability and post-conflict justice, centering the victims of decades of violence, not just the combatants. Instead, his reckless and hostile approach has caused untold death and destruction in places like Yemen and Libya, repeatedly brought us to the brink of new wars with countries like Iran, and left the U. That means fully ending these conflicts, including our covert air wars, reprioritizing the more peaceful, The Afghanistan War Of Afghanistan tools in our toolbox, and reckoning with the long and disastrous legacy Afhanistan U.]

The Afghanistan War Of Afghanistan

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