Getting Rid of Discrimination -

Getting Rid of Discrimination - and

The gender pay gap devalues women and their work to only 78 cents on the dollar as compared to men. Many people don't realize, let alone discuss, the fact that Native Americans get shot by police more than any other group. And even as we make strides towards LGBT equality, organizations like the Boy Scouts of America still permit discrimination and hate crimes against transgender people is on the rise, up 13 percent in the last year. These are all expressions of institutionalized discrimination, and it's been shown by scientific research to wreak havoc in the personal and professional lives of the average American citizen. Studies have shown that gender discrimination is associated with increased risk for drug abuse and is a critical factor in determining women's health. Homophobia puts LGBT people at significantly greater risk for depression, anxiety, drug abuse, and suicide. Racism has also been shown to increase blood pressure and mortality. Mental and physical health effects are compounded for those who experience multiple forms of discrimination. They also result in increased risk of absences from work, increased rates of employment termination, and cost our national economy untold millions of dollars.

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Get Rid Of Discrimination \u0026Injustice At Work Getting Rid of Discrimination

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Bullying can occur randomly or regularly. It can happen daily, weekly, or monthly.

Getting Rid of Discrimination

In fact, one in 10 bullying victims are bullied daily, while one in five victims are bullied once or twice a month Mahoney, The bullied student can rarely predict when the bullying will occur, and if the student can predict the bullying, often teachers and staff may not address the incident. In fact, staff may not even catch the first few acts of bulling.

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Schools need to find ways to reduce this problem. This includes having all teachers, staff, and administrators on board to prevent bullying from occurring.

Getting Rid of Discrimination

Here are some tips to help you reduce bullying in your school. Bullying occurs at all grade levels. An entire school district needs to have the same language within all its schools in order to reduce bullying. To start, the schools need to have a common definition of bullying. CPI defines bullying as being characterized by intentionally aggressive behavior that involves an imbalance of power and strength.

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It is a repeated offense, even when teachers observe it for the first time. Talking to the victim about what happened and whether there have been past occurrences is very important. Staff should be able to distinguish between teasing and bullying. According to Sweeting and Westteasing is reported more frequently than bullying Geyting teasing is done to irritate or provoke another with persistent distractions or other annoyances.

Getting Rid of Discrimination

Bullying, on the other hand, is an imbalance of power.]

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