Socialism Socialism Vs Capitalism -

Socialism Socialism Vs Capitalism

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The U. We have been for a long time, and it works well that way.

Socialism Socialism Vs Capitalism

Unfortunately, politics makes it a false binary choice, so the two systems seem at war, opposing each other. If there were a metaphorical tug-of-war between these two link systems, the rope would win. Anti-socialists should ask themselves: Would you rather have only private military? Only privately owned roads? Would you rather have privately run court systems and police. No more Social Security?

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No more Medicare and Medicaid? Capitalism works for small-business entrepreneurs and creative innovators. It also works for large corporations, unless they become monopolies that swallow competition.

Socialism Socialism Vs Capitalism

Capitalism motivates progress and feeds many families. But it needs the impartial and regulatory effects of socialism, which is not based on economic profit. We need to understand that profit driven motivation sometimes produces problems that interfere with the best we humans can achieve.

Please recognize we need both socialism and capitalism for an optimal society that maximizes our collective resources. Humanity faces major problems that will only be solved by cooperative collaboration that forfends the propaganda that divides us with false socialism vs.]

Socialism Socialism Vs Capitalism

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