Information Sharing Between The Intelligence Community -

Information Sharing Between The Intelligence Community Information Sharing Between The Intelligence Community

Write a research paper addressing at least two current limitations or anticipated future challenges in intelligence support to the homeland security enterprise.

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Some examples of topics to consider include any challenges expected to be encountered in collecting, analyzing, sharing or disseminating intelligence to protect the homeland. This paper could provide an examination of the various elements that comprise the intelligence community from local law enforcement to national agencies Te how each of those entities contributes to the development of homeland security intelligence in the future.

Information Sharing Between The Intelligence Community

You could address the challenges of providing intelligence support for homeland security while maintaining civil Infrmation in a digital age, or emerging trends and patterns such as homegrown terrorism and the proliferation of communication encryption technologies. Answer the question: What is the future of intelligence for homeland security in a multi-polar and chaotic cyber world with no one government agency in-charge of securing networks and the increased role of state and local agencies?]

Information Sharing Between The Intelligence Community

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