Improving The Accessibility Quality And Efficiency Of -

Improving The Accessibility Quality And Efficiency Of Improving The Accessibility Quality And Efficiency Of

The Challenges Medicaid Faces: Improving Access to Quality Care

They are called "heuristics" because they are broad rules of thumb and not specific usability guidelines. By Jakob Nielsen.

Improving The Accessibility Quality And Efficiency Of

The design should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within a reasonable amount of time. When users know the current system status, they learn the outcome of their prior interactions Efficciency determine next steps. Predictable interactions create in the product as well as the brand.

Improving The Accessibility Quality And Efficiency Of

The design should speak the users' language. Use words, phrases, and concepts familiar to the user, rather than internal jargon. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order. The way you should design depends very much on your specific users. Terms, concepts, icons, and images that seem perfectly clear to you and your colleagues may be unfamiliar or confusing to your users. This helps to build an experience that feels intuitive.

#2: Match between system and the real world

Users often perform actions by mistake. They need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted action without having to go through an extended process. When it's easy for people to back out of a process or undo an action, it fosters a sense of freedom and confidence. Exits allow users to remain in control of the system and avoid getting stuck and feeling frustrated.]

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