Florence Nightingale and Her Effect on Society - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Florence Nightingale and Her Effect on Society Video

Florence Nightingale Biography in English Florence Nightingale and Her Effect on Society Florence Nightingale and Her Effect on Society

Many of her famous quotes reveal a dedication to advocacy as well.

Florence Nightingale and Her Effect on Society

She had a strong will, a soaring spirit, and a powerful voice that still echoes today. She was that light in the darkness that provided hope, guiding the nursing field to a new era.

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When Nightingale said that the real heroes are those who do their duty while the world is spinning out of control, she was referring to nurses, and we see that today as they show up to care for patients on the frontlines. The pandemic has cemented the fact that nurses are an integral part of patient-centered care and should be able to practice to the full extent of their education and licensure.

Too often, nurses say and feel that their impact is marginal. But when it ranks nurses as the most trusted profession year after year, society shows that it thinks otherwise.

Column: 'Florence Nightingale’s influence is still very evident today'

As ONS and the nursing community advocate for palliative care, pain management, access and affordability, research dollars, and a stronger commitment to education, nurses have an opportunity to plant a seed with decision makers and increase awareness for health care. Those teachable moments make lasting impressions.

Congressional staff, elected officials, federal regulatory agencies, and news outlets seek out nurses and their expertise.

Florence Nightingale and Her Effect on Society

The experiences that nurses Nightingxle share about real world health care are invaluable, guiding future public policy interpretation and more here legislative and regulatory procedure. Actions speak louder than words, and nursing is a profession of activists. They see a problem, fix it, and move on to do the same with the next problem.

Florence Nightingale and Her Effect on Society

The policy and advocacy world is often foreign to many nurses. But through professional organizations like ONS, nurses have the opportunity to help make a real difference in that arena and demonstrate how their role in health care is results oriented.]

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