Environmental Justice Reflection - shame!
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Why COVID-19 is an Environmental Justice Issue Too - Op-Ed - NowThisEligibility: Any artist living and working within the Memphis metropolitan area.
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Artists are invited to submit collaborative work if desirable. Community organizers, educators, and activists are also encouraged to apply. Release Date: Tuesday, November 17, Deadline: Tuesday, January 5, pm. UrbanArt Commission UAC works to create opportunities for artists and neighborhoods to connect and shape spaces Environmental Justice Reflection public art. For over 30 years, Mural Arts has united artists and communities through a collaborative process, to create art that transforms public spaces and Stories lives.

In its first year, the program sponsored the creation of two mural projects about neighborhood environmental concerns in Uptown and Frayser. EJ activists look at how harm to the environment uniquely affects marginalized communities, and advocate solutions Environmental Justice Reflection address the needs of both the planet and its people. The practice of placing dumps and factories in communities of color, Environmenyal migration in response to climate change, and the health disparities created by unequal access to healthy food and clean water are just a few of the issues addressed by this movement.
Ref,ection Memphis, past EJ campaigns have advocated for the cleanup of toxic waste sites, the closure of chemical plants, and the relocation of Environmental Justice Reflection landfills. To learn more about historical and ongoing environmental justice work in Memphis, please visit:. We believe that art can play a key role in advancing the cause of environmental justice in Memphis. This fall, UAC hosted a virtual conversation series with leading EJ-focused artists from around the country. The projects they shared are good examples of the many creative, impactful ways artists can approach this topic:.
art + environmental justice | call to artists
These practical items helped keep protestors safe, while forcing law enforcement officials to confront their own reflections. Shana M. Shanai Matteson opened a tap-water only bar, which served as a space for hosting workshops related to water and climate change. For Matteson, the conversations and collaborations that emerged are as much a part of the artwork as the Water Bar itself.
Shari Hersh and Ron Whyte helped create the Trash Academy program, which uses billboards, murals, installations made of recycled materials, neighborhood Environmental Justice Reflection events, and costumes to change the conversation about trash in Philadelphia.

To support the projects, the artists organized community meetings, cleanups, and block parties. UAC is excited to announce a new open call for two more public art projects addressing environmental justice in Memphis, with generous support from Mural Check this out Institute. Proposed projects should follow these general guidelines:.
All media are acceptable. Possibilities include murals, sculptures, community art projects, publications, videos, research projects, crafts, installations, and more. Your artwork does not have to be physical. Performance, dance, social practice projects artistic approaches to community organizing or direct actionEnvironmental Justice Reflection events and workshops, and other live events are all encouraged. These guidelines will be updated as the situation evolves. Community engagement and collaboration is important. We encourage you to involve others in your process, especially residents, activists, organizations and nonprofits, and other artists who are already engaged in ongoing work related to your project. The project must be publicly accessible. For example, artwork located outside or in a public place, projects which invite participation, or materials distributed in print or online.
Projects should have a clear mission. If the project is informational in nature, will it raise awareness, offer critique Environmental Justice Reflection protest, create conversations, or celebrate a success?]
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