Definition Of Selected Food Video
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Definition Of Selected Food - apologise
Data Portal. View More. The ADF contributes to poverty reduction and economic and social development in the least developed African countries by providing concessional funding for projects and programs, as well as technical assistance for studies and capacity-building activities. In effect, under the DAI Policy, all information held by the Bank will be made public unless there is a compelling reason for confidentiality. It further reinforces the presumption of disclosure through a right of appeal. Skip to main content. Find out. View all. News Highlights.A cultivar [nb 1] cultivated variety is an assemblage of plants selected for desirable characteristics that are maintained during propagation. Most cultivars arise in cultivation, but some are from wild plants that have distinctive characteristics.
Popular ornamental garden plants like rosescamelliasdaffodilshereDefinition Of Selected Food azaleas are cultivars produced by breeding and selection or as sportsfor floral colour or size, plant form, or other desirable characteristics. Trees used in forestry are also special selections grown for their enhanced quality and yield of timber. Cultivars form a major part of Liberty Hyde Bailey 's broader group, the cultigen[2] which is defined as a plant whose origin or selection is primarily due to intentional human activity.
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In recent times, the naming of cultivars has been complicated by the use of statutory patents for plants and recognition of plant breeders' rights. UPOV requires that a cultivar be "distinct, uniform", and "stable". To be "distinct", it must have characters that easily distinguish it from any other known cultivar. To be "uniform" and "stable", the cultivar must retain these characters in repeated propagation.
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The naming of cultivars is an important aspect of cultivated plant taxonomyand the correct naming of a cultivar is prescribed by the Rules and Recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants ICNCP, commonly denominated the Cultivated Plant Code. A cultivar is given a cultivar name, which consists of the scientific Latin botanical name followed by a cultivar epithet. The cultivar epithet is usually in a vernacular language. The word cultivar originated from the need to distinguish between wild plants and those with characteristics that arose in cultivation, presently denominated cultigens. Botanical historian Alan Morton noted that Theophrastus in his Historia Plantarum Definition Of Selected Food into Plants "had an inkling of the limits of culturally induced phenotypic changes and of the importance of genetic constitution" Historia PlantarumBook 3, 2, 2 and Causa PlantarumBook 1, 9, 3.
The International Code Definition Of Selected Food Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants uses as its starting point for modern botanical nomenclature the Latin names in Linnaeus ' — Species Plantarum tenth edition and Genera Plantarum fifth edition. In Species PlantarumLinnaeus enumerated all plants known to him, either directly or from his extensive reading.
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Most of the varieties that Linnaeus enumerated were of "garden" origin rather than being wild plants. In time the need to distinguish between wild plants and those with variations that had been cultivated increased.

In the nineteenth century many "garden-derived" plants were given horticultural names, Definition Of Selected Food in Latin and sometimes in a vernacular language. From circa the s, cultivated plants in Europe were recognised in the Scandinavian, Germanic, and Slavic literature as stamm or sorte[9] but these words could not be used internationally because, by international agreement, any new denominations had to be in Latin.
The cultigen is a species, or its equivalent, Swlected has appeared under domestication — the plant is cultigenous. I now propose another name, cultivar, for a botanical variety, or for a race subordinate to species, that has originated under cultivation; it is not necessarily, however, referable to a recognized botanical species.
It is essentially the equivalent of the botanical variety except in respect to its origin.
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In that essay, Bailey used only the rank of species for the cultigen, but it was obvious to him that many domesticated plants were more like botanical varieties than species, and that realization appears to have motivated the suggestion of the new category of cultivar. Bailey created the word cultivarwhich is generally assumed to be a portmanteau of culti vated and var iety.

Bailey never explicitly stated the Slected of cultivarhere it has been suggested that it is instead a contraction of culti Definition Of Selected Food and var ietywhich seems correct. The words cultigen and cultivar may be confused with each other. A Selectfd is any plant that is deliberately selected for or altered in cultivation, as opposed to an indigen ; the Cultivated Definition Of Selected Food Code states that cultigens are "maintained as recognisable entities solely by continued propagation".
Therefore, all cultivars are cultigens, because they are cultivated, but not all cultigens are cultivars, because some cultigens have not been formally distinguished and named as cultivars. The Cultivated Plant Code notes that the word cultivar is used in two different senses: first, as a "classification category" the cultivar is defined in Article 2 of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants8th edition as follows: The basic category of cultivated plants whose nomenclature is governed by this Code is the cultivar.]

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