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Assata Shakur Response Paper

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Assata Olugbala Shakur Assata Shakur Response Paper

Are you surprised that as anarchists loot, a mainstream publisher issuesand National Public Radio boostsa book that justifies looting?

Assata Shakur Response Paper

Property is theftthe anarchist Proudhon declared in the s, echoing a sentiment of the Marquis de Sade from the s. Are you surprised Black Lives Matter leaders call for ending the nuclear family?

Essay on Assata: an Autobiography by Assata Shakur

In Marx demanded Abolition of the family! As a Black Panther inEldridge Cleaver invented a bogus martyrdom-by-police for his comrade Bobby Hutton and fed it into the media via a white radical who became a Los Angeles Times reporter. In short, the radical ideas and violence associated with the Black Lives Matter movement are simply the latest eruptions of a type of left-wing politics that goes back decades, at least.

Indeed, current movement leaders are tied directly to radical leaders and groups from a half-century of failed movements like Occupy Wall Street, Black Liberation, the Weathermen, Students for a Democratic Society, and the Black Panther Party. This unsavory political current also encompasses still more Assata Shakur Response Paper cases of extremism, including the Charles Manson cult and the Peoples Temple led by Jim Jones, notorious for a mass suicide in Guyana that took over lives with poisoned Kool-Aid. Some, like Alexander Solzhenitsyn and his fellow Soviet dissident Igor Shafarevich, as well as the philosopher Eric Voegelin, would argue that this kind of fanaticism goes much further back, that it is rooted in a permanent temptation of the soul to rebel against the human condition. If these claims seem far-fetched, let us test them against the youthful Black Lives Matter movement by considering first its organizational history, then the intellectual history of its most prominent leaders, and finally its place in the history of left-wing movements in America.

I leave it for others, more knowledgeable, to parse the details of controversial, allegedly racist shootings and to discuss how best to improve American policing. I affirm that black lives matter, because as a Assata Shakur Response Paper I believe all lives are infinitely precious. But I also distinguish between the sentiment that black lives matter and the leaders of the movement so named. As I will show, persons enthralled by radical ideology often harm lives and enslave those whose suffering they use for their political ends. Assata Shakur Response Paper Zimmerman, a Hispanic community watchman, was acquitted of murdering him.

The hashtag appeared only occasionally before Augustwhen Michael Brown Jr. This altercation, resulting click repeated protests against police, fanned the BLM spark, and leaders like Garza and DeRay Mckesson began to become better known. Yet the movement had internal struggles. Garza wanted to pursue a truly radical agenda far beyond police reform. Movement for Black Lives.

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Sometime in Garza and Tometi had a falling out. That same year the first organizational structure for the diffuse movement appeared: Movement for Black Lives. It claims a coalition of over 50 groups, but it has never incorporated.

Assata Shakur Response Paper

link Instead, it remains a fiscally sponsored project of the Alliance for Global Justicea nonprofit that acts as a pass-through for numerous radical organizations such as the Antifa-adjacent group Refuse Fascism. The Alliance was the conduit for foundation money to the ill-fated Occupy Wall Street movement a decade ago.

Assata Shakur Response Paper

Other beneficiaries of its services include groups that Shaur Israel and admire the dictatorial regimes of Cuba and Venezuela. The Alliance itself sprang from allies of the far-left Sandinista regime in Nicaragua, and Assata Shakur Response Paper most extreme case of admiring tyranny appears in its coziness with North Korea. It, too, has never incorporated, which allows it to escape the transparency required of most nonprofits, who must file annually with the IRS and disclose salaries, expenses, vendors, board members, and the like. It was originally a fiscally sponsored project of Thousand Currents, a nonprofit pass-through for multiple groups.

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Susan Rosenberg supported feminism, antiwar groups, the violent Weather Underground, the Black Liberation Army, and so on. Her own adventures stalled when she was arrested in with hundreds of pounds of stolen explosives and an extensive arsenal of weapons. Credit: Sky News Australia.]

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