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Read this document carefully. Answer ALL of the following questions with as much explanation and detail as you can provide. Please see the rubric that I posted under for an idea of the things that you should include in your answers. The following questions are the only questions that you need to answer for this assignment.
There are three questions included on the PDF after the Polybius reading, ignore those. For these questions, answer the questions in your own words, answering in full sentences. Always include proof, in the form of a quote, to support any answers that you give. According to Polybius, how did Rome organize its government what were the three important part of the Roman government and what functions did they perform? Why did they choose to do it this way? What are the advantages of Analysis Of Polybius s Polybius Republican system of government?
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According to Polybius, what are the three parts of the Roman government and how do they cooperate with each other? Does Polybius think that this was a good system? Why do you say this? Is there any bias that you detect in Polybius words? If so, why do you think he is biased in this way? Feel free to read and use the brief biographical paragraph on Polybius at the beginning Polybihs this text in your answer if necessary.

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