The Patriarchal Male Discourse -

The Patriarchal Male Discourse Video

What is patriarchy? The Patriarchal Male Discourse.

In fourth grade, a boy in class told me that my arms were too hairy. He was probably The Patriarchal Male Discourse because I had more arm hair than him, but I remember being SO embarrassed. I shaved my arms. In fourth grade. Because I thought having arm hair would make me ugly. This term was coined by a film critic, Laura Mulvey, who noticed something strange, but not surprising, in media and other art forms.

In movies, shows, commercials, etc. Women The Patriarchal Male Discourse in media forms for the purpose of sexual pleasure and objectification, not as actual characters with depth and meaning. How many times have you seen a film fixate on or sexualize the male body without also sexualizing a woman? Media reflects culture, and this perspective is definitely reflected in society. When women internalize the male gaze, we criticize ourselves through that same lens.

Go here see commercials with young women who have literally no hair on their bodies, a flawless physique, and airbrushed skin.

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When we see that men are attracted to that kind of beauty, we assume we must do the same to be worthy of love and affection. For example, freshman year, I enjoyed partying The Patriarchal Male Discourse going out. I sometimes caught myself acting a certain way because I thought it would make me attractive to guys. This is absolutely suffocating. Something I have been doing lately is just observing my actions and the intent behind them. I try to ask myself: Am I doing this action just to please other people?

Life is just more challenging without a positive male role model

How do I benefit from this action? After examining the male gaze, I think we can Discourde an additional layer: race. Can we add The Patriarchal Male Discourse onto this male, heterosexual perspective through which the world is viewed through? And what are the damaging effects that women of color face in America as a result of the lack of representation in the media? This gives off the impression that in order to be beautiful, you must also be white. We know that the male gaze sucks.

The Patriarchal Male Discourse

But you do NOT have to let it define you or your identity. If someone defines your worth through those standards, they are not worth your time or energy. Like Liked by 1 person. Like Like.

The Patriarchal Male Discourse

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