Think, that: African American Vernacular English
The Theory Of Progressive Evolution | Nov 12, · Native African American Vernacular English Speakers Required for Reading & Recording Short Sentences With Our Android/iOS APP Each Recording Participants Must Meet the following requirements: (A) Recording Participants must be African American Vernacular English . Oct 28, · African American Vernacular English Background: African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is the variety previously known as Black English Vernacular or Vernacular Black English by sociolinguists, and commonly called Ebonics outside the academic community. However, some characteristics of AAVE are seemingly unique in its structure. 5 days ago · 1 African American English Department of Linguistics Stony Brook University LIN Language in the U.S. Prepared by: Dr. Paola Cepeda African American English (AAE) • A social variety of American English, AAE is a strong community identity symbol. • AAE is a rule-governed language system, like all other language varieties, and has its own phonological, grammatical, and lexical features. |
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African American Vernacular English | 75 |
Physics-Man Yoda. Vote A. Vote B. Vote Americam. Select age and gender to cast your vote:. Your age Girl Guy Please select your age. Share Facebook. Add Opinion. Yes they are less educated. Not all are less intelligent but they are less educated or are trying to sound less educated.
The Origins of Vernacular Language and Its Spread
They absolutely sound unintelligent. I'm not saying you can't have slang or what have you, but when you butcher every word in the language that is goin to make sound like your stupid and uneducated. Learn proper fucking grammar and actually use it. Sign Up Now! Sort Girls First Guys First. Vocabulary is a large part of our casual assessment of each other's intelligence. An uneducated, limited vocabulary leads me to doubt a person's intelligence.
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Xper 4. Hmmmm Well, I don't think that people that speak in such a way are necessarily "stupid" Though I will also agree that there is a bit of a pessimism and negative attitude towards education in the Black community BUT that is more influenced by their culture, than any natural ineptitude at education. I will say there is a certain standard that must be upheld in a professional setting.

Speaking in such a vernacular would be counterproductive in many scenarios for example being a principal of a high schooland there is a reason why many professional Blacks scientists, politicians, educators, etc outside of the Entertainment industry do not communicate in such a way. DexWest Xper 5.

It depends on the situation. If they are among friends, then there is no issue; however, if they are in a formal or professional setting and continue to use the same language characteristics, then I Ametican feel that is makes people look and sound less intelligent. Every language has an informal and a formal manner of speech. If you choose to use less formal speech in a formal setting, then you are obviously ignorant of the situation, acting intentionally in a disrespectful manner, or of low intelligence.
There is no other reason. I assume these people attend the same schools as everyone else and have received the same education regarding the correct use of English. Eng,ish choose not to use it and thrust their abomination African American Vernacular English us is nothing short of bad manners and they should not expect respect if they won't communicate in the common tongue. Xper 7. I think it's their desire to separate click here culturally from whites and other races.
African American Vernacular English we praise that as individuality and freedom, it's also a divide that continues to separate them from the rest of society, and those among them who support it are doing their race more disservice than anything else, but I get it. No easy answer to this. So not necessarily. It's just somethin I grew up with and I happen to like it.]
In my opinion you are not right. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.
I consider, that you are not right. Let's discuss.