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Google is committed to continuing to make diversity, equity, and inclusion part of everything we do—from how we build our products to how we build our workforce. Google is growing to fulfill that vision. Operating at this scale brings an elevated level of responsibility to everything we do—including a workforce that's more representative of our users, and a workplace that creates a sense of belonging for everyone. As Google continues to grow, we have a responsibility to scale our diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives to increase pathways to tech in the communities we call home. By providing computer science education from primary school through university we are growing the next generation of Black and Latinx tech leaders through programs like CS First , Code Next , and Tech Exchange. Google works hard to attract the best talent and once they are here, we want them to stay. To support this, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion capabilities among all Googlers from managers and leaders, to front line human resources. The Equity Programs Team focuses on ensuring parity in how we source and hire Nooglers as well as in performance reviews, promotions, and retention. Through our Employee Resource Groups , Leadership Councils, and Diversity councils, we foster a sense of belonging throughout the company, even while many of us are working from home. Responsible growth means looking beyond the demands of our industry, to consider how our work impacts the cities, sites, and countries where we operate.Our approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion
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