The Renissance was a Cultural Movement of -

The Renissance was a Cultural Movement of The Renissance was a Cultural Movement of

Role Of Fatma Begum

Please, no plagiarized work! It emphasized the dignity and worth of the individual, an emphasis that was central to Renaissance developments in many areas. Davies, This paper seeks to determine the nature of the humanism movement during the renaissance and how it had developed through time.

The Renissance was a Cultural Movement of

In this regard, analysis of the works of humanists with special focuses on their contribution to the arts shall be conducted ascertain the movement called humanism. These subjects were all studied, whenever possible, in the original classical texts Tremblay, Scholasticism pervaded much of pre-Renaissance European society.

The Renissance was a Cultural Movement of

Humanism came to be as a response to the perceived insufficiency and limitations of scholastic teachings that relied too heavily on abstract thought rather than on practical experiences. The humanists proposed to educate the whole person and placed emphasis not only on intellectual achievement, but also on physical and moral development Ehrstine and Schade, Proctor, To promote the study of classical literature, he collected ancient texts during his travels.

He studied and imitated them in Latin writings of his own, and then attempted to extend their teachings to as many other people as possible Kreis, Aside from Petrarch, a number of scholars in Florence collected and studied ancient works, lectured about them, imitated their style, and made the city a centre of humanistic learning. They applied more info literary standards to everyday writing, laying a foundation for later literary development Steele, As humanists rediscovered classical literature, subjects of sculpture were classical figures the most prominent of which is Plato.]

The Renissance was a Cultural Movement of

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