The Presence of Unexploded Ordinances in Laos -

The Presence of Unexploded Ordinances in Laos

The heavy military presence blocks people's movement in a harvest season

The HALO Trust Hazardous Area Life-support Organization is a non-political and non-religious registered British charity and American non-profit organization which removes debris left behind by war, in particular land mines. Around 10, minefields have been cleared and 87, acres Cowan replaced Guy Willoughby who resigned from his role as chief executive of the trust on 11 August For more than 40 years, the population of Angola has been severely impacted by landmines and other ERW, and is believed to still be one of the most mined countries in the world.

The Presence of Unexploded Ordinances in Laos

HALO has worked in Angola since Considerable progress is being made; even so, HALO estimates that there is still in the region of 10 years' work to rid Angola of all landmines. RTR is a two part process: first, systematic sweeps are made with a large detector to find metal-cased AT mines; this is followed by heavy detonation trailers designed to detonate any minimum metal mine still capable of operating. By HALO had cleared more than minefields 21, hectares of land and destroyed more than 90, landmines anditems of unexploded ordnance.

The Presence of Unexploded Ordinances in Laos

The majority of ammunition destroyed is made up of aircraft bombs but includes guided missiles and cluster bomb sub-munitions. The Government of Mozambique announced that the country was free of all known landmines in September In Septemberwhen Mozambique declared itself free of all known landmines, [13] HALO announced that it had clearedof the country's landmines and employed 1, Mozambican men and women over the course of twenty-two years.


Somaliland is an unrecognised de facto independent state located Unexplodef northwest Presencf in the Horn this web page Africa. Minelaying occurred during the and border wars with Ethiopia, when minefields were laid predominantly along the Ethiopian border. This border and important access routes were heavily mined. The conflict, which had its roots in grievances The Presence of Unexploded Ordinances in Laos power sharing and the state control of economic assets, was portrayed by the government as a struggle between SNM nationalists defending Somaliland's independence and government federalists advocating a relationship with Somalia. Over 63, landmine and ERW casualties have been recorded in Cambodia since[18] and with over 25, amputees Cambodia has the highest ratio per capita in the world. However, given more than 18 years of humanitarian demining, the landmine threat is now largely concentrated in just 21 north-west border districts.

In these rural districts the landmine problem continues to negatively affect much-needed development by hindering access to:.


Recruiting, training and then deploying female and male deminers from the mine affected districts means that the landmine contaminated communities remain an integral component in the clearance process. Living and working in these communities, deminers are methodically ridding Cambodia of the landmine menace.

The Presence of Unexploded Ordinances in Laos

Between and MayHALO Cambodia cleared over 6, hectares 15, acres of landmine contaminated land whilst destroying overlandmines,items of large calibre ammunition and 1.]

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