Are There Benefits For Attending A Single -

Are There Benefits For Attending A Single Are There Benefits For Attending A Single

My post on Wednesday was geared toward those who really want to be full time law students but were considering applying part time due to perceived lower numerical standards. When I began school inI was a part-time evening student. Here are some Atteending I loved about being an evening student: 1.

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Nice people. My classmates were mostly older, had jobs and families, and had things in perspective. They were willing to work together and enjoy each other a little more than I think most of the younger, full-time day students were. Faculty treated us more like adults and were generally more respectful toward the night students. A little bit smaller of a section. Here were some of the not so great things: 1. To take advantage of clubs and organizations I was the Evening program Student Bar Association Representative, among my other involvementsyou pretty much Atttending to be available during source day.

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Faculty and student services related offices are not usually available at night. You need to take summer school to graduate in 3 years at most schools. Ann Levine is the author of the best selling law school admission guide book: The Law School Admission Game and made admissions decisions at two ABA-approved law schools.

In she founded Law School Expert and has helped thousands of applicants navigate the tough process to get into law school.


Get a free consultation with Ann on your own law school admissions journey today. And to graduate you must attend summer school. Hi Monique, If you want to graduate in 4 years, you usually have your summers free to gain experience. Also, you could work in the legal field during the day while attending law school in the evenings.

I applied to Beneftis tier 4 law school in Texas and I have a gpa of 2.

Are There Benefits For Attending A Single

I have five years work experience and am currently working in a law firm to gain experience. I selected the evening, part-time program because I have a family and will be working during the day. Any feedback would be helpful. Normally I work full time but right now Im working a temp position. Adding law school and a new job sounds crazy. However, you know what you can handle. Once you find yourself on academic probation, reapplying is extremely arduous. Good luck with everything. Hi Ann, I didnt have the best greades during my undergrad years.

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Do you think law schools will weigh heavily on my uundergrad GPA? Also, I have been working full-time int he legal field and have a lot of experience to show for the past 2 years. Do you think the part-time programs are more willing to accept me? What is a good LSAT score for the evening programs?? Https:// luck with everything! I graduated from a strong liberal arts university two years ago with a BA in history.

How would an admissions office look at two years of non-legal work experience?

Are There Benefits For Attending A Single

I have a 3. Justin, You will find that your colleagues in a part time law program will come from many different professions, and not just legal ones.

Are There Benefits For Attending A Single

You will also see that law schools value the sophistication of your two years of work experience, as opposed to -say- two years as a file clerk or legal secretary.]

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