Stephen felt isolated from his family, that he felt he was a foster child among them, and that pushed him away from them.
It made him be more independent and on his own because he could not relate to the people at his own home He thought. Still, his works were so experimental that he was not read by the general public and was often misunderstood even by his contemporary writers.
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His writing became more and more hard on readers. It is only when society becomes complex enough to support a division of labor do artists emerge-first as Elekents, then as the painters, singers, writers, etc. Society, then, creates the artist, but it can also destroy him. To provide the reader with a proper interpretation, Joyce permeates the story with vivid imagery and a variety linguistic devices.
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This paper will provide an in-depth of analysis of the work by examining its key elements. Each event in Stephen's life -- from the opening story of the moocow to his experiences with religion and the university -- contributes to his growth as an artist.

Central to the experiences of Stephen's. Centuries reveals a deepening understanding of the impact of childhood and adolescent experiences in the long-term development of adulthood.
The majority of the novel centres on these early years and draws upon the conventions of the Bildungsroman. The narrative largely is driven by impressionistic and sensory language. His novel, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, published inis a convincing journey through the inner mind and spirit of Stephen Portrsit. Portrayed with incredible fluency and realism, imagery guides the through the swift current of growth tangible in the juvenile hero. Above all heavy imagery in the novel is.]
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