The Emergency Department Ed -

The Emergency Department Ed Video

Emergency Department - Department Planning, Design \u0026 Case Study Analysis The Emergency Department Ed

Over the course of our one-year fellowship program, fellows will experience a curriculum through a variety of didactics, practicum, seminars, computer-based training, and asynchronous learning.

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These provide the building blocks for a career focused in emergency medical services. We hold formal lectures and discussions on specific topics weekly.

The Emergency Department Ed

Didactics include a critical analysis of current EMS literature. Practicum reinforce and enhance knowledge introduced in the didactic program. Multidisciplinary practical experiences are held at various clinical rotation sites, including:. This includes but is not limited to:.

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Our multidisciplinary seminars expose fellows to novel concepts and cutting-edge approaches to prehospital care. Some offerings include:. Our computer-based training programs have been nationally and internally vetted and offer a basic introduction to core topics on the web. The previously listed didactics reinforce and expand upon this basic knowledge.

The Emergency Department Ed

Asynchronous learning programs, including assigned readings of book chapters, texts, white papers, and resource documents, encourage independent education and the advancement of EMS practice. Didactics We hold formal lectures and discussions on specific topics weekly. Practicum Practicum reinforce and enhance knowledge introduced in the didactic program. This includes but is not limited to: Patient care Quality assurance Case review Morbidity and mortality Root cause analysis Protocol development Provider credentialing Safety initiatives EMS agency program development Research The Emergency Department Ed related to medical oversight Seminars Our multidisciplinary seminars expose fellows to novel concepts and cutting-edge approaches to prehospital care.

The Emergency Department Ed

The offerings are: IS Back-to top.]

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