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The Revelation Of The Pyramids (Documentary)

Documentaries Viewed For The Project - simply excellent

Even if you don't have much to pledge, we're NOT only in it for the money. Honestly, I WANT to share this adventure with as many of you as possible, so we're making it easy to help out. And I don't mean lame, once-every-six-months updates: I'm serious about these things. I'm gonna be spending a LOT of time in The Vault, and I'll make sure to share first looks, sneak peeks and regular progress reports. It'll be like you're right there in the Vault with me Don't want to wait another year or two until the movie comes out? Documentaries Viewed For The Project Documentaries Viewed For The Project

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This browser is no longer supported. They recall each torture by name — the wheel, the operating room. But even more harrowing than their accounts of being physically and psychologically broken — in some cases before Documentaries Viewed For The Project were even 20 years old — are confessions from victims who disclosed the names of their accomplices and are still unable to forgive visit web page 50 years on. All feel their voices have been unjustly silenced for the sake of a smooth transition from the Franco dictatorship to democracy. This is the silence that the new documentary Billy by director Max Lemcke hopes to break. He was also the torturer who best emerged from the Transition. He joined the force in as a deputy inspector and Viewd placed in the Social Investigation Brigade, known as the Projecr Brigade.

This body was tasked with investigating and repressing anti-Franco groups, who were largely communists.

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A student who, it was claimed, jumped from a balcony after being arrested by the police, Ruano was linked by several testimonies to the bombing of the Rolando cafeteria inwhich killed 13 and was blamed on ETA. The Basque terrorist group assumed responsibility for the attack in its internal magazine Zutabe in He was a proud servant of a repressive system. Billy comes at an important time, not only because of the age of the victims but also because it is a relevant topic that has been swept aside by the coronavirus pandemicaccording to Lemcke. Documentaries Viewed For The Project of the testimonies were filmed in person while others were Documenharies over Zoom during the strict spring lockdown in Spain.

Documentaries Viewed For The Project

During the documentary, Lemcke includes fictional images of William H. Bonney, the real Billy Fog Kid, who was a legendary outlaw from the United States. If you reflect a little, you can see how the Amnesty Lawfor example, whitewashes those years of lead, and increases the impotence of the victims, who have not even been honored today by the rest of Spanish society or its institutions.

English version by Heather Galloway.

Documentaries Viewed For The Project

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