The Civil War And The Declaration Of -

The Civil War And The Declaration Of Video

The American Civil War explained

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The Reconstruction Era. According to Civil War Monitor the top selling books about the Civil War Era over the last year include some popular histories, a few scholarly books, and some crackpot stuff. Here are the most popular books over the last year in terms of sales based on Bookscan stats. It is about the Baltimore Plot. I have not read the book yet, but it has garnered generally good reviews. Here is how the Washington Post described the book:. The Civil War And The Declaration Of The Civil War And The Declaration Of

If you are racist you are by definition evil and must be censored, deplatformed, you must lose your job, jailed, unpersoned, beaten up and murdered. Therefore anybody who opposes them is racist and must be destroyed. Furthermore, they define America itself, its history, culture, the people who founded America and their progeny who make up the actual American population, as racist. The election of Donald Trump in was the first open acknowledgment source war was upon them by Real Americans.

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It was quite literally a declaration:. We can discuss the fact that Trump has not yet followed through fully on this platform, and whether this is due to his being controlled opposition or simply Adn against a truly gargantuan opponent. The point is that both sides of American politics define themselves as good and the other as evil. Both cannot be true, of course. It is Real Americans who are up against a demonicglobal power which controls its degenerate minions through sexual blackmail. This brings us to the current Presidential election. It just keeps happening.

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Marxists are pushing things to the brink. We know this is their intention because they are projecting this onto Trump. View Results.

The Civil War And The Declaration Of

If Trump wins, the terrorist agents of the Deep State will escalate violence, triggering a response Ad the American government led by Trump to protect the American people, leading to further escalation and all out civil war. If Biden wins, the terrorist agents of the Deep State will become the paramilitary wing of the federal government, going door to door to rape, murder and mutilate Real Americans.

This attempted genocide will trigger a response from the American people, and an escalation into civil war.

The Civil War And The Declaration Of

The Deep State will calculate that they do not need to trigger an all out conflict to achieve victory. Marxist control control of the institutions, the bureaucracy, academia and the media will ensure the demographic decline of America. Regardless of who wins the election, they will ensure the violence remains below the threshold of triggering a self defensive response from Real Americans.

Main source of his proclamation the administration in bondage, directly to come

Future historians will likely look at the current period as either the start of The Second American Civil War, or the Prelude. Hundreds of thousands of words will be written over whether a war can exist when only one side is fighting.

The Civil War And The Declaration Of

Tuesday, November 24, US politics Viewer Poll. Share on Facebook. This is not so much a political platform as it is a declaration of war. Trump prepares to cast the die.]

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