New York s Fourth Congressional District -

New York s Fourth Congressional District

New York s Fourth Congressional District Video

4th Congressional District Debate New York s Fourth Congressional District

Owens, a Republican, acknowledged that McAdams conceded the race to him via Twitter.

New York s Fourth Congressional District

McAdams held the seat since after he beat Republican incumbent Mia Love by just votes. I received a call from BenMcAdams he expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve UT04 and his commitment to a smooth transition. My sincere thanks to him for both. Thank you my fellow Utahns, I am committed to have an open ear to serve you.

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Thank you for the opportunity. Thank you Utah voters. I promise to be an open ear for all Utahns and to serve with all I have.

New York s Fourth Congressional District

I am eager and excited to work on behalf of every constituent in the district and continue to serve our community. It is time to get to work.

Burgess won the seat by a very slim margin, as he garnered Primary Menu. Search for: Search. Burgess Owens Image: Facebook.]

New York s Fourth Congressional District

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