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Home About MedWorm. Health News. Psychosocial risk factors associated with mental health of adolescents amidst the COVID pandemic outbreak. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi invest igar os efeitos neuropsiqu Emotional distress due to home confinement was the main factor for the change in seizure control. Promoting physical activity and adequate sleep may minimize the potential impact of the pandemic in PWE. Ensuring correct follow-up can prevent decompensation in those PWE at high risk. The sample of this single-center cross-sectional study consisted of 76 children with ADHD and their parents. Psychosocial Factors That Affect Adolescent s Behavior

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The psychosocial changes in adolescents they are all the variations produced in the way of thinking, the emotional world and the way of relating to society of people when they enter puberty. Due to the physical and psychological development produced in this stage, it is one of the moments in life in which more changes occur in all senses.

For this reason, many adolescents can feel confused or scared in front of the new experiences that they are living. For this reason, many psychologists have tried to identify all the situations that adolescents commonly go through.

Psychosocial Factors That Affect Adolescent s Behavior

In this way, young people can better understand what is happening to them; thus, they do not feel so helpless or so confused. One of the leading scholars of the different phases of psychosocial development was Erikson. So many of the ideas in this article are based on his work. Next we will see what are the main psychosocial changes that occur in adolescents. In general, all Adolescsnt changes that occur after puberty are divided into three types: cognitive, emotional and social. Adolescence is the time in a person's development when the last of the cognitive stages described by Piaget is reached: the stage of formal operations.

At this point, the youngster acquires some mental abilities that definitely separate him from the children. The first of these Summer Olymoics the ability to reason abstractly.

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Starting at approximately twelve Psychosocial Factors That Affect Adolescent s Behavior of age, adolescents are able to reflect on elements that are not in the here and now effectively. This capacity hardly exists before this age, and it is one of the most important for adult life. On the other hand, adolescents are also beginning to be able to use logic more accurately. Up click this point, children are carried away more by their emotions than by their reasoning. However, starting at puberty, your cognitive abilities increase dramatically. Finally, teens are also beginning to be able to use skills Behaavior deduction.

Due to the conjunction of these three new capacities, they begin to be interested in aspects such as morals, ethics or their role in the world. This, in addition, is also related to their social development. Due to various factors such as the new hormones that invade the adolescent's body and the changes that Psychksocial in their way of life, young people experience a wide variety of emotions that they did not feel so strongly as children.

This is probably the most difficult aspect of this stage.

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Teens can have very extreme mood swings in very short periods of time. For example, it is common for a young person to be very animated at the beginning of the day, depressed at lunchtime, and simply thoughtful before going to bed. On the other hand, adolescents can also go through entire times in which one emotion predominates. In the modern world, there are more and more cases of depression among the very young; some, like those who adopt an "emo" aesthetic, do so to precisely show the strength of these feelings.

Psychosocial Factors That Affect Adolescent s Behavior

Children are fundamentally selfish. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to understand and interpret the emotions of others. Beginning in adolescence, however, most people develop a certain capacity for empathy.

Psychosocial Factors That Affect Adolescent s Behavior

This allows us to put ourselves in the of others more easily. Thus, most adolescents are able to understand the effects of their actions on others much more effectively than children.

Due to all the changes that occur in their life, and the lack of a clear role to play, most adolescents share a constant sense of insecurity. This leads them to act in a way that avoids being judged by others. Thus, many of the social changes produced in adolescence can be fundamentally explained by this emotion. Luckily, as the youngster matures and gains more experience, insecurity tends to disappear in most cases. Finally, adolescents experience a series of changes related to their role in the world and the way in which they interact with others.

Next we will see the most important ones.]

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