The Fall of the French Monarchy -

The Fall of the French Monarchy

The Fall of the French Monarchy Video

The Entire History of France in 23 Minutes

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The poor treatment of native cultures eclipsed the economic improvements brought by European colonization. Many natives were taken as slaves, and the sovereign peoples were violently subdued. In addition, the natural resources of these territories were looted. Colonies provided resources for making manufactured goods in industrialized countries and were new markets where merchants could sell their goods.

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For the Kingdom of France, it supposed the loss of most of their possessions in America oMnarchy Asia. The Enlightenment influenced the American and French Revolutions as its ideas about natural rights philosophy caused people to question and overthrow monarchy in favor of representative governments. Napoleon established a parliamentary system of government that became the standard throughout the world. The Napoleon Code served as the basis for the laws of many countries. In the conquered countries, Napoleon The Fall of the French Monarchy similar regimes to those of the French Revolution, which adopted quite guaranteed constitutions. His organized government managed to get France out of the chaos it was in during and after the Revolution.

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Napoleon inserted in the conquered countries the ideas of freedom, equality and fraternity. As a result of Napoleon conquests in Europe many Germanic territories were united for the first time in history. Europeans justified controling territory around the world because they believed that their culture was superior to that of other societies. It was a period in which European Supremacism was the justification for colonialism. It was the dominion of the British Crown over the Indian subcontinent between and The Sepoy Rebellion was an event Elie Contribution which Indian soldiers employed by the British rose up against colonial British rule in the midth century.

This rebellion led to the dissolution of the British East India Company in Fqll forced the British to reorganize their army, financial system and administration in India. The first statement i.

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Thus, this led to the end of slavery, and hence, option A is the correct answer. By using this site, you consent to the use of cookies. You can refuse to use cookies by setting the necessary parameters in your browser.

The Fall of the French Monarchy

History How did people of France end the monarchy? Answers: 1.

The Fall of the French Monarchy

The common people paid all of the taxes but had none of the benefits. It exiled the royal family to an island off the coast of France. It issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man. It inspired many Europeans to rise up against powerful monarchs.]

The Fall of the French Monarchy

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