Plato And Aristotle s Views On Human -

Idea: Plato And Aristotle s Views On Human

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Plato And Aristotle s Views On Human Plato And Aristotle s Views On Human

Cahn and Aaron Meskin Oxford: Blackwell, The second part of the assignment is evaluative and is likely to take up the greater part of your essay.

Plato And Aristotle s Views On Human

In answering this question, firstly, make sure to select the position of either Plato or Aristotle to focus on. You are not required to write on the views of both philosophers. If you wish, you may choose to introduce the philosopher you have not chosen in order to offer a critique or an alternative perspective to the arguments of the philosopher you choose to focus on, but this is not necessary.

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The first part of this assignment focusses on your ability to outline Abd the way in which your chosen philosopher views mimesis in art. In doing this, you should support the points you make with textual reference. It is important, therefore, that when their wider philosophy has bearing on their views on aesthetics, it may be important for your argument if you refer to those wider aspects of their philosophy.

Plato And Aristotle s Views On Human

Evaluation is an important component of any philosophy essay. Whatever points you wish to make by way of evaluation, you should ensure that you articulate to the reader your overall assessment Aristote your reasons for arriving at that conclusion. Assessment Objectives and Criteria Your essay should:. Focus on the question and answer it comprehensively.

A. A. Long

Extract the material that is relevant to your answer. Show a capacity for independent research. Display ability for independent thought on the topics upon which you have been asked to write. Show that you can integrate material from several different sources. Use examples and quotations appropriately.]

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