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Obedience Equipment Safer Communities

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Dog agility is a dog sport in which a handler directs a dog through an obstacle course in a race for both time and accuracy. Dogs run off leash with no food or toys as incentives, and the handler can touch neither dog nor obstacles. In its simplest form, an agility course Cimmunities of Obedience Equipment Safer Communities set of standard obstacles laid out by a judge in a design of his or her own choosing in an area of a specified size.

The surface may be of grass, dirt, rubber, or special matting.

Obedience Equipment Safer Communities

Depending on the type of competition, the obstacles may be marked with numbers indicating the order in which they must be completed. Courses are complicated enough that a dog could not complete them correctly without human direction. In competition, the handler must assess the course, decide on handling strategies, and direct the dog through Equuipment course, with precision and speed equally important.

Obedience Equipment Safer Communities

Many strategies exist to compensate for the inherent difference in human and dog speeds and the strengths and weaknesses of the various dogs and handlers. Because each course is different, handlers are allowed a short walk-through ranging from 5 to 25 minutes on average before the competition starts.


During this see more, all handlers competing in a particular class can walk around the course without their dogs, determining how they can best position themselves and guide their dogs to get the most accurate and rapid path around the numbered obstacles.

The handler tends to run a path much different from the dog's path, so the handler can sometimes spend quite a bit of Obedience Equipment Safer Communities planning for what is usually a quick run. Printed maps of the agility course, called course mapsare occasionally made available to the handlers before they run, to help the handlers plan their course strategy. The course map contains icons indicating the position and orientation of all the obstacles, and numbers indicating the order in which the obstacles are to be taken.

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Course maps were originally drawn by hand, but nowadays courses are created using various computer programs. Each Obedience Equipment Safer Communities and handler team gets one opportunity together to attempt to complete the course successfully. The dog begins behind a starting line and, when instructed by their handler, proceeds around the Obedience Equipment Safer Communities. The handler typically runs near the dog, directing the dog with spoken commands and with body language the position of arms, shoulders, and feet. Because speed counts as much as accuracy, especially at higher levels of competition, this all takes place at a full-out run on the dog's part and, in places, on the handler's part as well. Scoring of runs is based on how many faults are incurred. Penalties can include not only course faultssuch as knocking down a bar in a jump, but also time faultswhich are the number of seconds over the calculated standard course timewhich in turn is determined based on the competition level, the complexity of the this web page, and other factors.

Agility field left side: A competition agility field showing clockwise from lower left a tunnel, the dogwalk, the judge standing in front of a winged jump, two additional winged jumps, dog executing the teeter-totter with his handler guiding, and the tire jump. Course map showing the layout of the course in the preceding photos. Maps like this are commonly used by officials to communicate the course to handlers. Agility field right side: The right side of the same agility field showing clockwise from foreground the weave poles, the Obedience Equipment Safer Communities table, the A-frame, two winged jumps, the collapsed tunnel or chuteand a wingless jump.

Numbered orange plastic cones next to obstacles indicate the order in which the dog must perform them. The regulations of different organizations specify somewhat different rules and dimensions for the construction of obstacles.

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However, the basic form of most obstacles is the same wherever they are used. Obstacles include the following:. Two broad ramps, usually about 3 feet 0. The bottom 36 to 42 inches 0.

Obedience Equipment Safer Communities

Many organizations now allow or require a rubberized surface so the dog can ascend and descend easier. Some organizations allow the top of the A-frame to be narrower than the bottom. The centre plank is raised to about 4 feet 1. This obstacle also has contact zones. Many sanctioning organizations require that dog walks Obedience Equipment Safer Communities low profile, narrow, horizontal slats all along their length to assist the dog's grip going up and down; other organizations prohibit slats; and many organizations now allow or require a rubberized surface.]

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