Natural Gas as an Alternative Energy Resource -

Natural Gas as an Alternative Energy Resource Video

alternative source of energy Natural Gas as an Alternative Energy Resource Natural Gas as an Alternative Energy Resource

This issue brief was informed by discussions at an Atlantic Council Global Energy Center roundtable on European energy security in Berlin on October 9,as well as other conversations with government officials, private sector executives, and leading academics in the global energy sector. The information in this issue brief will not be attributed to any specific individual since the discussions took place under the Chatham House Rule. This objective builds on the commitments made Reosurce the EU under the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 percent by compared to The European Commission plans to enshrine the climate neutrality objective law in March The discussions are set to continue in June However, the European Natural Gas as an Alternative Energy Resource Agency said that, without additional measures, the EU would likely miss its target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

New technologies, along with natural gas, will play a critical role in helping the EU reach this Naturak goal. Furthermore, the EU will use alternative gas sources, routes, and infrastructure to bolster European energy security. Clean energy sources will complement natural gas in European efforts to decarbonize and contribute to European energy security.

U.S. Natural Gas Coalition Well Ahead of Methane Reduction Targets

EU member states are expected to submit, by the end ofnational energy and climate plans outlining how they will implement the objectives of the Clean Energy Package, which seeks to cut CO2 emissions by 40 percent. European energy security will be impacted by how EU member states choose to deploy those strategies. The plans are expected to set out national contributions to the EU-wide climate neutrality target. The European Commission will assess the plans and if additional measures are required.

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It is an opportunity for improving energy security for national, regional, and transatlantic communities. The sense of urgency to address climate change is widely shared across the EU. While Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Greece, Denmark, and Belgium are ahead of the curve on carbon emission cuts, member states like Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, and Poland are starting from less diversified energy mixes, with predominantly heavier fossil fuel baselines and the legacies of monolithic suppliers. Technology can aid the process of decarbonization, which will reduce reliance on fossil fuels and bolster energy security by Naturxl dependence on sole suppliers.

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EU member states should consider technology-neutral and source-neutral approaches in order to meet the carbon reduction targets in a holistic manner. Such flexibility may optimize options for member states Gaas varying degrees of energy needs, mixes, infrastructure, homegrown energy potential, and financial resources. Carbon reduction could be achieved through various methods and advanced technologies. All carbon reduction solutions should be properly recognized as they contribute to the end goal of carbon neutrality.

Natural Gas as an Alternative Energy Resource

To meet this growing electricity demand, the EU will have to elevate the role of natural gas, clean energy, and advanced technologies. Although gas consumption is expected to remain flat, decreased European production of gas will lead to a need for greater imports. Natural gas will advance energy reliability, accessibility, and affordability in Europe while contributing to the energy transition, particularly when natural gas displaces coal-fired power generation. However, several issues must be addressed to optimize the role of natural gas in the European market. These issues include gaps in strategic infrastructure, member state implementation of the regulatory framework, reducing methane emissions from the natural gas sector, societal attitudes towards fracking, and threats from geopolitical rivalries.

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Gaps and opportunities in regulatory implementation are covered in the first issue brief. Natural can play a role in moving member states away from coal. Access to diversified supplies of natural gas bolsters European energy security by decreasing reliance on a dominant supplier. At Natural Gas as an Alternative Energy Resource confirmation hearing, Simson noted her plans to examine how best to configure the natural gas regulatory framework and infrastructure for the decarbonized energy future.

Competitive Alternatkve, global supply glut, and growing fungibility make natural gas significant for satisfying European energy demand and contributing to European energy security. In addition, growth in renewables and extreme weather will create greater demand for natural gas to satisfy baseload capacity with help from battery systems.]

Natural Gas as an Alternative Energy Resource

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