Napoleon -

Napoleon Napoleon

First elected president of the French Second Republic inhe seized power by force inwhen he could not constitutionally be re-elected, and became the emperor of Naoleon French. He Napoleon the Second French Empire and Napoleon its only emperor until the defeat of the French Army and his capture by Prussia and its allies in the Franco-Prussian War in He worked to modernize the French economy, rebuilt the center of Paris, expanded the French overseas empireand engaged in the Crimean War and the Second Italian War of Independence. Napoleon III modernized the French banking system, expanded and consolidated the French railway system, and made the Napoleon merchant marine the second largest in the world.


He promoted the building of the Suez Canal and established modern agriculture, which ended famines in France and made France an agricultural exporter. Napoleon III negotiated Napileon Cobden—Chevalier free trade agreement with Britain and similar agreements with France's other European trading partners. Social reforms included giving Napoleon workers the right Napoleon strike and the right to organize.

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Napoleonn The first women students were admitted at the Sorbonne and educational opportunities for women were increased, as did the list of required subjects in public Napoleon. His regime assisted Italian unification by defeating the Austrian Empire in the Franco-Austrian War and later annexed Savoy and the County of Nice Napoleon its deferred reward. At the same time, his forces defended the Papal States against annexation by Italy. He was also favorable towards the union of the Danubian Principalities 24 Januarywhich resulted in the establishment of the modern state Napoleon Romania.


On Napoleon other hand, the French intervention in Mexicowhich aimed to create a Second Mexican Empire under French protection, ended in total failure. FromNapoleon had Napoleon face the mounting power of Prussia as its Chancellor Otto von Bismarck sought German unification under Prussian leadership.


In JulyNapoleon declared war on Prussia without allies and with inferior military Napoleon. He was swiftly dethroned and the French Third Republic was proclaimed in Paris. He went into exile in England, where he died in Napoleon They had a difficult relationship and only lived together for brief Napoleln. They resumed their marriage for a brief time in Toulouse starting from the 12th of August [2] and Louis was born prematurely, at least Napoleon weeks short of nine months.


Louis Napoleon's Napoleon, including Victor Hugospread the gossip that he was the child of Napoleon different man, but most historians agree today that he was the legitimate son of Louis Bonaparte [3] [4] [5] see ancestry. His father stayed away, once again separated from Hortense.

Napoleon held him up to the window to see the soldiers parading in the courtyard of the Carousel below. All members of the Bonaparte dynasty were forced into exile after the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo and the Bourbon Restoration of monarchy in France.

He received some of his education in Germany at the Napoleon school at AugsburgBavaria. As a result, for the Napoleon of his life, his French had a slight but noticeable German accent.


His tutor at home was Philippe Le Basan ardent republican and the son of a revolutionary Napolon close friend of Napoleon. Le Napoleon taught him French history and radical politics. Hortense de Beauharnais Napoleonmother to Louis Napoleon in The lakeside house at ArenenbergSwitzerland, where Louis Napoleon spent much of his youth and exile. When Louis Napoleon was fifteen, his mother Hortense moved to Rome, where the Bonapartes had a villa. He passed his time learning Italian, exploring the ancient ruins, and learning the arts of seduction and romantic affairs, which he used often in his later life.


He was reunited with his older brother Napoleon Louis Napoleon, and together they became involved with the Carbonarisecret revolutionary societies fighting Austria's domination of northern Italy. In the spring ofwhen he was twenty-three, the Austrian and papal governments launched an offensive against the Carbonari, and the two brothers, wanted by the police, Napoleon forced to flee.]

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