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Mental State And Development Of The Child Mental State And Development Of The Child

A combination of events in Cascade County District Court and involving the Montana State Hospital MSH has contributed to the dismissal of a case involving alleged child sexual abuse, officials say.

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Jose Remigio Zapata was arrested Jan. According to charging documents, an year-old girl reported that Zapata had exposed himself to her the previous summer on three separate occasions and masturbated in front of her. CCDC has a zero-tolerance policy for inmates who divert their pills, so medical staff stopped giving him that particular medication, according to the testimony. Kutzman acknowledged during the hearing that the Montana Department of Health and Human Services and the Montana State Hospital were backed up but said the evaluation could come from an independent source, as well. The defense filed a notice that an evaluation was needed, and one was ordered on March 8, click the following article Zapata was to be remanded to the Montana State Hospital.

Court documents state that days later, Zapata had not received an evaluation and was still at CCDC. The defense filed a motion to dismiss on Aug. The motion also said Zapata was denied the mental health care he needed, was exposed to COVID inside the jail and Mental State And Development Of The Child mentally because he could not receive visits from his family after the pandemic began. By the time the state filed its response to the dismissal motion, Zapata had been held days without trial.

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The state argued that the defense indicated it would seek an independent evaluation rather than sending Zapata to the Montana State Hospital. According to Racki, defendants who have already been evaluated and found unfit to proceed have first priority for transfer to MSH. The speedy trial threshold in Montana is days. Delays are attributed either to the prosecution or the defense, depending on which side caused the delay. The reason for the delay is also taken into account. He did not succeed.

Mental State And Development Of The Child

Every 30 days, he said, MSH Mentzl expected to tell the court where these defendants are on the list and a projected date for an evaluation or transfer. A dismissal with prejudice also means Zapata will have to re-offend in order to face legal consequences. On the other side, Zapata had not been tried.

Mental State And Development Of The Child

He was presumed not guilty of the allegations against him. He had been diagnosed with mental health issues. And he spent more than a year in a detention center with no evaluation of his mental state — an evaluation that was necessary for his case to move forward.]

Mental State And Development Of The Child

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