Math Vectors Video
Vectors - GCSE MathsMath Vectors - something
This is a basic, though hopefully fairly comprehensive, introduction to working with vectors. Vectors manifest in a wide variety of ways from displacement, velocity, and acceleration to forces and fields. This article is devoted to the mathematics of vectors; their application in specific situations will be addressed elsewhere. A vector quantity , or vector , provides information about not just the magnitude but also the direction of the quantity. When giving directions to a house, it isn't enough to say that it's 10 miles away, but the direction of those 10 miles must also be provided for the information to be useful. Variables that are vectors will be indicated with a boldface variable, although it is common to see vectors denoted with small arrows above the variable. Just as we don't say the other house is miles away, the magnitude of a vector is always a positive number, or rather the absolute value of the "length" of the vector although the quantity may not be a length, it may be a velocity, acceleration, force, etc. A negative in front a vector doesn't indicate a change in the magnitude, but rather in the direction of the vector.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Math Vectors]( Teaching Resource.jpg)
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Vector dot and cross products
Vector dot product and vector length. Proving vector dot product properties. Proof of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Vector triangle inequality. Defining the angle between vectors.
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We defined the addition of this vector and let's say some other vector, b1, b2, all the way down to bn as a third Vectlrs. If you add these two, we defined the addition operation to be a third-- you will result in a third vector where each of its components are just the sum of the Math Vectors components of the two vectors you're adding. So it's going to be a1 plus b1, a2 plus b2, all the way down to a n plus bn. We knew this and we've done Vecgors videos where we use this definition of vector addition. We also know about scalar multiplication. Maybe we should just call it scaling multiplication. And that's the case of look, if I have some real number c and I multiply it times some vector, a1, a2, all the way down to a n, we defined scalar multiplication of a vector to be-- some scalar times its vector will result in essentially, Math Vectors vector Math Vectors each of its components are multiplied by the scalar.

And so after seeing these two operations, you might be tempted to say, gee, wouldn't it be nice if there was some way to multiply two vectors. This is just a scalar Vrctors a vector, just scaling it up. And that's actually the actual effect of what it's doing if you visualize it in three dimensions Math Vectors less. It's actually scaling the size of the vector. And we haven't defined size, very precisely just Math Vectors.

But you understand at least this operation. For multiplying vectors or taking the product, there's actually two ways.

And I'm going to define one of them in this video. And that's the dot product. And you signify the dot product by saying a dot b.]
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