The Court Ruled Against Mr Case -

The Court Ruled Against Mr Case

The Court Ruled Against Mr Case Video

How the U.S. Supreme Court Decided the Presidential Election of 2000 - History The Court Ruled Against Mr Case

A state appeals court ruled in favor of a group of local restaurants in El Paso, Texas, and halted the shutdown of nonessential businesses that was here to last until December 1. Late yesterday, a state appeals court said it would not challenge a ruling against a county shut-down order, allowing the state and local restaurant owners to continue to operate.

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Angela, we've been hearing about the numbers increasing in El Paso, the pervasiveness of the virus in the population. What's also interesting is the attempts by the city to gain control and whether they have the authority to do so or not. That's been a legal battle in addition to the health care battle we're waging right now with hospitals filled to capacity.

The Court Ruled Against Mr Case

And then our mayor has also been involved, but he really did not support a shutdown. And so that's what the battle's been about. And we have heard from a Texas appeals court that the answer is no. A group of restaurant owners and the Texas attorney general challenged that shutdown, saying only the governor has the authority to do that.

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And we just heard from the court that, no, that's over. And so the judge said he's not going to challenge it and trying to figure out how to move forward and still protect lives.

The Court Ruled Against Mr Case

So can the mayor or anybody impose things like curfews or what can they do to try to keep their population safe? No, this is really now across Texas, and we had so many counties and cities watching this closely.

The Court Ruled Against Mr Case

It's totally up to the governor to set the standards. So, for example, El Paso went back to 50 percent capacity, half capacity at businesses, the goal was to shut down nonessential businesses. The curfew was also in place. That's over. An overnight curfew is no longer in place.

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So there really isn't that authority. Now, there are some limitations triggered by hospitalizations that happen across the state, but they were not as strict as a shutdown and a curfew. When you are in the community in El Paso and you know that the numbers are going up in the hospitals, are people conscious of this? Are they aware of what's happening? Well, unfortunately, Hari, more and more people are being touched directly. They know a loved one or they personally have someone in their family, a coworker, a classmate. So they are hearing direct horror stories about this.]

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