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Imperial decree of Kangxi emperor for Manchu learning

The Kangxi Emperor's Valeidctory of 61 years from until makes him the longest-reigning emperor in Chinese history although his grandson, the Qianlong Emperorhad the longest period of de facto power and one of the longest-reigning rulers in the world. The Kangxi Emperor is considered one of China's greatest emperors. The Kangxi Emperor's reign brought about long-term stability and relative wealth after years of war and chaos. Edkct initiated the period known as the "Prosperous Era of Kangxi and Qianlong" or "High Qing", [3] which lasted for several generations after his go here. His court also accomplished such literary feats as the compilation of the Kangxi Dictionary. He was enthroned at the age of seven or eight by East Asian Kangxis Valedictory Edict reckoningKangxis Valedictory Edict 7 February Sinologist Herbert Gilesdrawing on contemporary sources, described the Kangxi Emperor as "fairly tall and well proportioned, he loved all manly exercises, and devoted three months annually to hunting.

Large bright eyes lighted up his face, which was pitted with smallpox.

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Sonin died after his granddaughter became Empress Xiaochengrenleaving Suksaha at Kangxis Valedictory Edict with Oboi in politics. In a fierce power struggle, Oboi Kangxis Valedictory Edict Suksaha put to death and seized absolute power as sole regent. The Kangxi Emperor and the rest of the imperial court acquiesced to this read more. Kangxis Valedictory Edict the spring ofthe regents ordered a Great Clearance in southern China that evacuated the entire population from the seacoast to counter The Importance Of Management And resistance movement started by Ming loyalists under the leadership of Taiwan-based Ming general Zheng Chenggong, also titled Koxinga.

The Grand Empress Dowager influenced him greatly and he took care of her himself in the months leading up to her death in It was smaller than it had been at its peak under Hong Taiji and Kangxis Valedictory Edict the early reign of the Shunzhi Emperor ; however, it was larger than in the Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors' reigns.

The main reason for this decline was a change in system between the Kangxi and Qianlong emperors' reigns. The Kangxi Emperor continued using the traditional military system implemented by his predecessors, which was more efficient and stricter. According to the system, a commander who returned from a battle alone with all his men dead would be put to death, and likewise for a foot soldier.

This was meant to motivate both commanders and soldiers alike to fight valiantly in war because there was no benefit for the sole survivor in a battle. By the Qianlong Emperor's reign, military commanders had become lax and the training of the army was deemed less important as compared to during the previous emperors' reigns. This was because commanders' statuses had become hereditary; a general gained his position based on the contributions of his forefathers.

After the Qing takeover of China inlarge parts of the south and west were given as fiefs to three Ming generals who aided the Qing; in the three feudatories were controlled by Wu SanguiGeng Jingzhongand Shang Zhixin. Going against the advice of most of his advisors, Kangxi attempted to force the feudal princes to give up their lands and retire to Manchuria, sparking a rebellion that lasted eight years. For years afterwards Kangxi ruminated on his mistakes and blamed himself in part for the loss of life during the revolt.

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Wu Sangui's forces overran most of southwest China and he tried to ally himself with local generals such as Wang Fuchen. The Kangxi Emperor employed generals including Zhou Peigong and Tuhai to suppress the rebellion, and also granted clemency to common people caught up in the war. He intended to Kangxis Valedictory Edict lead the armies to crush the rebels but his subjects advised him against it. The revolt ended with victory for Qing forces in Inthe naval forces of the Ming loyalists on Taiwan —organized under the Zheng dynasty as the Kingdom of Tungning —were defeated off Penghu by odd ships under the Qing admiral Shi Lang. The Qing sent most of the 17 Ming princes still living on Taiwan back to mainland China, where they spent the rest of their lives. Their palace was used as Shi Lang's headquarters inbut Kangxis Valedictory Edict memorialized the emperor to convert it into a Mazu temple as a propaganda measure in quieting remaining resistance on Taiwan.

The emperor approved its dedication as the Grand Matsu Temple the next year and, honoring the goddess Mazu for her supposed assistance during the Qing invasion, promoted her to "Empress of Heaven" Tianhou from her previous status as a "heavenly consort" tianfei. The end of the rebel stronghold and capture of the Ming princes allowed the Kangxi Emperor to relax the Sea Ban and permit resettlement of the Fujian and Guangdong coasts. The financial and other incentives to new settlers particularly drew the Hakkawho would have continuous low-level conflict with the returning Punti people for the next few centuries.

In the s, the Qing Kangxis Valedictory Edict engaged the Tsardom of Russia in a series of border conflicts along the Amur River region, which concluded with the Qing gaining control of the area after the Siege of Albazin. The Russians invaded the northern frontier again in the s. A series of battles and negotiations culminated in the Treaty of Nerchinsk ofby which a border was agreed between Russia and Kangxis Valedictory Edict. The Inner Mongolian nobility now became closely tied to the Qing royal family and intermarried with them extensively. Ejei Khan died in and was succeeded by his And Leadership Personal Leadership Statement On Abunai.

After Abunai showed disaffection with Manchu Qing rule, he was placed under house arrest in in Shenyang and the Kangxi Emperor gave his title to his son Borni.]

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