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Economic Behavior And Its Effects On Society

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Individualism is the moral stance, political philosophyideology and social outlook that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual. Individualism makes the individual its focus [1] and so starts "with the fundamental premise that the human individual is of primary importance in the struggle for liberation". Individualism has been used as a term denoting "[t]he quality of being an individual; individuality", [3] related to possessing "[a]n individual characteristic; a quirk ". In the English languagethe word individualism was first introduced as a pejorative by utopian socialists such as the Owenites in the late s, although it is unclear more info they were influenced by Saint-Simonianism or came up with it independently.

Economic Behavior And Its Effects On Society

Although an early follower of Robert Owenhe eventually rejected its collective idea of property and found in individualism a "universalism" that allowed for the development of the "original genius". Without individualism, Smith argued that individuals cannot amass property to increase one's happiness. An individual is a person or any specific object in a collection. In the 15th century and earlier, and also today within the fields of statistics and metaphysicsindividual means "indivisible", typically describing any numerically singular thing, but sometimes meaning "a person" as in "The Scoiety Economic Behavior And Its Effects On Society proper names ".

From the 17th century on, individual indicates separateness, as in individualism. The principle of individuation, or principium individuationis[15] describes the manner in which a thing is identified as distinguished from other things. It is a completely natural process necessary for the integration of the psyche to take place.

Economic Behavior And Its Effects On Society

Thus, the individual atom is replaced by a never-ending ontological process of individuation. Individuation is an always incomplete process, always leaving a "pre-individual" left-over, itself making possible future individuations.

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For Stiegler, "the Ias a psychic individual, can only be thought in relationship to wewhich is a collective individual. The I is constituted in adopting a collective tradition, which it inherits and in which a plurality of I ' s acknowledge each other's existence. Individualism holds that a person taking part in society attempts to learn and discover what his or her own interests are on a personal basis, without a presumed following of the interests of a societal structure an individualist need not be an egoist. On a societal level, Economic Behavior And Its Effects On Society individualist participates on a personally structured political and moral ground. Independent thinking and opinion is a common trait of an individualist. Jean-Jacques Rousseauclaims that his concept of general will in The Social Contract is not the simple collection of individual wills and that it furthers the interests of individual the constraint of law itself would be beneficial for the individual, as the lack of respect for the law necessarily entails, in Rousseau's eyes, a form of ignorance and submission to one's passions instead of the preferred autonomy of reason.

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Individualism versus collectivism is a common dichotomy in cross-cultural research. Global comparative studies have found that the world's cultures vary in the degree to which they emphasize individual Soclety, freedom and initiative individualistic traitsrespectively conformity to group norms, maintaining traditions and obedience to in-group authority collectivistic traits. Cultural differences between individualism and collectivism are differences in degrees, not in kind. Middle income regions such as Eastern Europe, South America and mainland East Asia have cultures which are neither very individualistic nor very collectivistic.

Ruth Benedict made a distinction, relevant in this source, between guilt societies e.

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Japan, "bringing shame upon one's ancestors" with an "external reference standard", where people look to their peers for feedback on whether an click here is acceptable or not. Individualism is often contrasted either with totalitarianism or with collectivism[5] but there is a spectrum of behaviors at the societal level ranging from highly individualistic societies through mixed societies to collectivist. According to an Oxford Dictionary"competitive individualism" in sociology is "the view that achievement and non-achievement should depend on merit. Effort and ability are regarded as prerequisites of success. Competition is seen as an acceptable means of distributing limited resources and rewards.

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Acceptance of the competitive individualism viewpoint encourages the cult of winning and the belief that competition brings out the best in people". Competitive individualism is a form of individualism that arises from competitive systems. The function Behvior the system is to maintain an inequality in the society and fields of human engagement.

Economic Behavior And Its Effects On Society

This pins the ups and downs of a person's life onto themselves by not acknowledging a range of factors such as the influence of socioeconomic class, here and gender, among others. It supports the privilege theories that affirms position of certain individuals higher in the hierarchy of ranks at the expense of others. For better individuality, cooperation is considered to be a better remedy for personal growth.]

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