Assignment Evidence Based Practice Research And Quality -

Assignment Evidence Based Practice Research And Quality

Assignment Evidence Based Practice Research And Quality - have hit

Differentiate between quality improvement processes, evidence based practice and research. There are many sources of information available on the web and in journals relating to the nursing discipline. Therefore, it is of pivotal importance to understand the basic tenets of critical appraisal of research for its use in intraprofessional healthcare practices. The aim of evidence-based practice EBP is to employ a three-pronged approach blending the best available research evidence, patient values and preferences, and clinical expertise. In this task, you will critique two primary research evidence sources. You will select one quantitative and one qualitative peer-reviewed journal article on a healthcare topic of interest. Your submission must be your original work. Use the Turnitin Originality Report available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality. Assignment Evidence Based Practice Research And Quality

Assignment Evidence Based Practice Research And Quality - any more

Prepare a 4—5-page review of recent research that examines statistics on the primary health concern of a population, describes the methods and tools used in the research studies, explains the factors that affect health promotion and disease prevention for a population, and recommends a health care initiative. Your team has presented its preliminary findings to the executive leadership in your organization, but leadership has some doubts about some of the information they received. The first step in preparing to write a review of the research is to define your topic. For this assessment, your review will provide a comprehensive overview of the needs of the population you identified in the Windshield Survey assessment in terms of health promotion and disease prevention, the factors that contribute to health disparities for the population, and the need for the organization to improve health care delivery to the population. In the Capella library, search for current scholarly or peer-reviewed professional research articles that:. Assignment Evidence Based Practice Research And Quality

Identify a quality improvement opportunity in your organization or practice. In a 1, word paper, describe the problem or issue and propose a quality improvement initiative based on evidence-based practice. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, Reseadch in the Student Success Center.

Assignment Evidence Based Practice Research And Quality

Include the following: Provide an overview the problem and the setting in which the problem or issue occurs. Explain why a quality improvement initiative is needed in this area and the expected outcome. Discuss how the results of previous research demonstrate support for the quality improvement initiative and its projected outcomes.

Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years, not included in the course materials or textbook, that establish evidence in support of the quality improvement proposed. Discuss steps necessary to implement the quality improvement initiative.


Provide evidence and rationale to support your answer. Explain how the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated to determine whether there was improvement. Support your explanation by identifying the variables, hypothesis test, and statistical test that you would need to prove that the quality improvement initiative succeeded.]

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