Diversity Is The Essence Of The Word - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Diversity Is The Essence Of The Word

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As social researchers we spend our time studying the social and demographic landscape to understand emerging trends and advise organisations on how to adapt for an ever-changing future. So has kept us on our toes! We conducted several national studies through the year to understand how Australians have been affected by the challenge and change that the COVID pandemic has created. Our research shows many Australians have been feeling anxious, frustrated and vulnerable as a consequence of the health, economic and social impacts of COVID We also found that two in five Australians have felt the biggest negative impact of COVID socially, missing the human connection to family and friends. In times of crisis and social and economic disruption people tend to reflect more deeply on what really matters. Half of Australians say they have thought more about the meaning of life and their own mortality this year. In a time when society has had to quickly respond to the practical realities of a COVID world, churches have had to pivot, too. As part of a national study on the emerging trends for the Australian Church, McCrindle interviewed more than 30 key leaders of Christian denominations, churches and prominent parachurch ministries from across Australia. Diversity Is The Essence Of The Word

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Diversity Is The Essence Of The Word

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Diversity Is The Essence Of The Word

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