Comparing Power in The Tempest and Othello -

Comparing Power in The Tempest and Othello Video

Why should you read Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”? - Iseult Gillespie Comparing Power in The Tempest and Othello Comparing Power in The Tempest and Othello

Given its varied and enduring themes of racism, love, jealousy, betrayal, revenge, and repentance, Othello is still often performed in professional and community theatre alike, and has been the source for numerous operatic, film, and literary adaptations. Roderigo, a wealthy and dissolute gentleman, complains to his friend Iago, an ensign, that Iago has not told him about the secret marriage between Desdemona, the daughter of a senator named Brabantio, and Othello, a Moorish general in the Venetian army.

Roderigo is upset because he loves Desdemona and had asked her father, Brabantio, for her hand in marriage.

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Iago hates Othello for promoting a younger man named Cassio above him, whom Iago considers a less capable soldier than himself, and tells Roderigo that he plans to exploit Othello for his own advantage. Iago convinces Roderigo to wake Brabantio and tell him about his daughter's elopement. Meanwhile, Iago sneaks away to find Othello and warns him that Brabantio is coming for him. Brabantio, provoked by Roderigo, is enraged and will not rest until he has confronted Othello, but he finds Othello's residence full of the Duke of Venice's guards, who prevent violence.

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News has arrived in Venice that the Turks are going to attack Cyprusand Othello is therefore summoned to advise the senators. Brabantio has no option but to accompany Othello to the Duke's residence, where he accuses Othello of seducing Desdemona by witchcraft.

Comparing Power in The Tempest and Othello

Othello defends himself before the Duke of VeniceBrabantio's kinsmen Lodovico and Gratiano, and various senators. Othello explains that Comparing Power in The Tempest and Othello became enamoured of him for the sad and compelling stories he told of his life before Venice, not because of any witchcraft.

The senate is satisfied once Desdemona confirms that she loves Othello, but Brabantio leaves saying that Desdemona will betray Othello: "Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see. She has deceived her father, and may thee," Act I, Sc 3. Iago, still in the room, takes note of Brabantio's remark. By order of the Duke, Othello leaves Venice to command the Venetian armies against invading Turks on the island of Cyprusaccompanied by his new wife, his new lieutenant Cassio, his ensign Iago, and Iago's wife, Emilia, as Cmparing attendant. The party arrives in Cyprus to find that a storm has destroyed the Turkish fleet. Othello orders a general celebration and leaves to consummate his marriage with Desdemona.

In his absence, Iago gets Cassio drunk, and then persuades Roderigo to draw Cassio into a fight. Montano tries to calm down an angry and drunk Cassio and this leads to them fighting one another, resulting in Montano being injured. Othello reenters and questions the men as to what happened. Othello blames Cassio for the disturbance and strips him of his rank. Cassio, distraught, is then persuaded by Iago to ask Desdemona to persuade her husband to reinstate him. Iago now persuades Othello to be suspicious of Cassio and Desdemona. When Snd drops a handkerchief the first gift given amd her by OthelloEmilia Comparing Power in The Tempest and Othello it, and gives it to her husband Iago, at his request, unaware of what he plans to do Comparing Power in The Tempest and Othello it. Othello reenters and, then being convinced by Iago of Piano Beethoven Concerto Liszt No And wife's unfaithfulness with his captain, vows with Iago for the death of Desdemona and Cassio, Compaaring which he makes Iago his lieutenant.

Act III, scene iii is considered to be the turning point of the play as it is the scene in which Iago successfully sows the seeds of doubt in Othello's mind, inevitably sealing Othello's fate. Iago plants the handkerchief in Cassio's lodgings, then tells Othello to watch Cassio's reactions while Iago questions him. Iago goads Cassio on to talk about his affair with Bianca, a local courtesan, but whispers her name so quietly that Othello believes the two men are talking about Here. Later, Bianca accuses Cassio of giving her a second-hand gift which he had received from another lover.

Othello sees this, and Iago convinces him that Cassio received the handkerchief from Desdemona. Enraged and hurt, Othello resolves to kill his wife and tells Iago to kill Cassio. Othello proceeds to make Desdemona's life miserable and strikes her in front of visiting Venetian nobles. Meanwhile, Roderigo complains that he has received no results from Iago in return for his money and efforts to win Desdemona, but Iago convinces him to kill Cassio. Roderigo, having been manipulated by Iago, attacks Qnd in the street after Cassio leaves Bianca's lodgings. Cassio wounds Roderigo.

Comparing Power in The Tempest and Othello

During the scuffle, Iago comes from behind Cassio and badly cuts his leg.]

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