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How Commercials Get Us To Buy Crap We Don't Need Advertising Is Harmful

The National Credit Regulator NCR has distributed an industry circular reminding Debt Counsellors to monitor the quality of their marketing people and their messages about debt review being distributed on Facebook or via SMS. Keep this in mind if you are a Debt Counsellor and have a website.

Advertising Is Harmful

These days we are all very used to receiving adverts via SMS or getting things advertised to on our social media. What is key is that in such short messages we get enough info to make educated choice about what is being promoted. In many cases, we can receive spam unwanted adverts or messages — which no one enjoys.

NCR Warns Of Poor Advertising Messages

In some cases, we receive messages that can be very misleading because of how they are worded. This is something the NCR want to see avoided in the debt counselling and debt review industry.

Advertising Is Harmful

Sadly, however, some marketing people have crossed the line or fallen short of the standard that protects the industry from disrepute. There is government proclamation on cancellation of debts; and…. There have been many court ruligns over they years but none recently that specifically relate to writing off debt. Debt review seldom if ever involves writing off debt.

Advertising Is Harmful

The idea is to rather pay off the debt in a reasonable manner. Debts are similarly not cancelled, they are paid off over time.

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And putting a picture of the president next to a message is just cheeky as it implies he is supporting the message. Once consumers begin debt review, they are required to finish the process and settle their debts before being able to access more credit again in the future. This can only Advertising Is Harmful done after an NCR registered Debt Counsellor Advertising Is Harmful them with a Clearance Certificate if all their debts — with the exception of their bond- is paid up.

The NCR specifically mention companies that make empty promises to consumers about removing the record of the existing debt review status of the consumer from the credit bureaus. In the example they cite the SMS or Facebook post says:. We will attend to your legal and debt review flag removal in 20 working days with or without a court order.]

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