Chinese Animation A History And Filmography -

Chinese Animation A History And Filmography

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Chinese Animation A History And Filmography Video

Chinese Animation: In Search of a Style - Video Essay

A co-founder of Studio Ghiblia film and animation studio, he has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and as a maker of animated feature films, and is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished filmmakers in the history of animation.

Chinese Animation A History And Filmography

During his early years at Toei Animation he worked as an in-between artist and later collaborated with director Isao Takahata. Miyazaki co-founded Studio Ghibli in The films were met with critical and commercial success in Japan. Miyazaki's film Princess Mononoke was the first animated film ever to win the Japan Academy Prize for Picture of the Yearand briefly became the highest-grossing film in Japan following its release in ; [a] its distribution to the Western world greatly increased Ghibli's popularity and influence outside Japan.

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His film Spirited Away became the highest-grossing film in Hstory history, winning the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature at the 75th Academy Awards and is frequently ranked among the greatest films of the s. Miyazaki's later films— Howl's Moving CastlePonyoand The Wind Rises —also enjoyed critical and commercial success. Following the release of The Wind RisesMiyazaki announced his retirement from feature films, though he returned to work on a new feature film in Miyazaki's works characterized by the recurrence of themes such as humanity's relationship with nature and technology, the Chinese Animation A History And Filmography of natural and traditional patterns of living, the importance of art and craftsmanship, and the difficulty of maintaining a pacifist ethic in a violent world.

Chinese Animation A History And Filmography

The protagonists of his films are often strong girls or young women, and several of his films present morally ambiguous antagonists with Filjography qualities. Miyazaki's works have been highly praised and awarded ; he was named a Person of Cultural Merit for outstanding cultural contributions in Novemberand received the Academy Honorary Award for his impact on animation and cinema in November Miyazaki has frequently been cited as an inspiration for numerous animators, directors, and writers.

Chinese Animation : A History And Filmography

Miyazaki began school inat an elementary school in Utsunomiya, completing the first through third grades. Miyazaki destroyed much of his early work, believing it was "bad form" to copy Tezuka's style as it was hindering his own development as an artist.

Chinese Animation A History And Filmography

InMiyazaki was employed at Toei Animation. He also worked on Gulliver's Travels Beyond the Moon ]

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