Brief History Wahaha Group - rather valuable
From spearheading the struggle against dictatorship to dominating government and then withdrawing from the national stage, the Tigray People's Liberation Front TPLF has shaped Ethiopia's history for decades. The TPLF emerged from a feverish and radical student movement, steeped in Marxist-Leninism, which shook an imperial Ethiopia dominated by the ethnic Amhara elite in the s and 70s. In a country that is home to some 80 different groups, Stalin's writings on the nature of nationality bringing together people of the same culture, language and territory, inspired several Tigrayan students to form the TPLF in February Emperor Haile Selassie had been overthrown the previous year and the new military Marxist regime known as the Derg brutally crushed the demands of ethno-nationalists. The TPLF grew quickly into an efficient and disciplined organisation that would spearhead armed struggle against the Derg. By the end of the s, help from the powerful Eritrean People's Liberation Front EPLF allowed them to "put the Ethiopian army to rout and gather a lot of equipment," creating a "snowball effect," says Roland Marchal, an expert from the Centre for International Research in Paris. But it was the TPLF who held the reins, even though Tigrayans represent only six percent of the population. WHO head hails 'encouraging' Covid vaccine news, but says no 'time for complacency'. Marchal says Meles was "very deft" in co-opting regional elites, integrating them in the government and "immediately weaving a system of alliances that he controlled.Brief History Wahaha Group - join
Since the group has been nominally at war with the Mexican state although it may be described at this point as a frozen conflict. The Zapatistas' main body is made up of mostly rural indigenous people , but it includes some supporters in urban areas and internationally. Unlike other Zapatista spokespeople, Marcos is not an indigenous Maya. The group takes its name from Emiliano Zapata , the agrarian revolutionary and commander of the Liberation Army of the South during the Mexican Revolution , and sees itself as his ideological heir. While EZLN ideology is similar to libertarian socialism , the Zapatistas have rejected [12] and defied [13] political classification. The EZLN aligns itself with the wider alter-globalization , anti-neoliberal social movement , seeking indigenous control over local resources, especially land. Since their uprising was countered by the Mexican Armed Forces , the EZLN has abstained from military offensives and adopted a new strategy that attempts to garner Mexican and international support. The Zapatistas describe themselves as a decentralized organization. The pseudonymous Subcomandante Marcos is widely considered its leader despite his claims that the group has no single leader. Political decisions are deliberated and decided in community assemblies.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Brief History Wahaha Group](
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Danone \u0026 Wahaha: A Bittersweet Partnership Case Solution \u0026 AnalysisTA is a sophisticated and innovative threat actor, with plenty of cybercrime experience, that engages in targeted attacks across multiple sectors and geographies for financial gain. Over time, TA evolved from a lesser partner to a mature, self-subsisting and versatile crime operation with a broad spectrum of targets. Throughout the years the group heavily relied on third party services and tooling to support its fraudulent activities, however, the group now mostly operates independently from initial infection until monetization. ThroughoutTA changed tactics and adopted a proven simple, although effective, attack strategy: encrypt a corporate network with ransomware, more specifically the Clop ransomware strain, and demand a ransom in Bitcoin to obtain the decryption key. Targets are selected in an opportunistic fashion and TA currently operates a broad attack arsenal of both in-house developed and publicly available Brief History Wahaha Group to exploit its victims.
We unpacked the captured Changes in Life and organized them within their Brief History Wahaha Group campaign. This resulted in providing us an accurate view on the working schedule of the TA group during the past year.
As mentioned above, the Threat Actor uses private as well as public tooling to get access, infect the network and drop Clop ransomware. Once SDBbot has obtained persistence, the actor uses this RAT in order to grab information from the machine, prepare the environment and download the next payloads. At this stage, also the operator might kill the bot if it is determined that the victim is not interesting to them. To evade antivirus security products and frustrate malware reverse engineering, malware operators leverage encryption and compression via executable packing to protect their malicious code.
TA also works with a custom packer, however their packer contains two buffers. The initial stub decrypts the first buffer which acts as another unpacking stub.
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The second unpacking Grokp subsequently unpacks the second buffer that contains the malicious executable. In addition to their custom packer, TA often packs their malware with a second or even a third layer of UPX a publicly available open-source executable packer. In total we can differentiate four different packing routines based on the packing layers and the number of observed samples. We observed that the TA packed samples had a different Compilation Timestamp than the unpacked samples, and they were correlating correctly with the Campaign Timestamp. Furthermore, samples belonging to the same Brief History Wahaha Group used the same XOR-Key to unpack the actual malware.
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Both DLLs are packed with the same packer. However, the XOR-key to decrypt the buffer is different. All of the timestamps related to the captured samples were converted to UTC.

We observed that the compilation timestamps of the packed samples were different from the unpacked ones. Furthermore, the unpacked one was clearly indicating the malspam campaign date. For the Dataset 1we used the VirusTotal first seen timestamp as an estimation of when the campaign took place. The group mostly works on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, less frequently Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays mostly preparing for Monday campaign. Those time schedules give us once again a small indication about the time zone where the actor is operating from. This dataset contains samples obtained after their time off. In this research we combined SDBbot data as well, which is the next stage payload of Get2. The working days are the same since they restarted after their long time off, although now we see a small difference on the working hours, starting as early as 5 AM UTC until 11 PM UTC. However as both periods are in respectively winter and summer time, it could also Brief History Wahaha Group related to daylight savings time.
This combined with the prior knowledge that the group is communicating in Russian language this points specifically to Ukraine being the only majority Russian speaking Brief History Wahaha Group with DST, but this would be speculation by itself. The time information does point however to a likely Eastern European presence of the group, and not all members have to be necessarily in one country.
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This process can vary from target to target as well Brief History Wahaha Group the duration from initial access GetandGo to ransomware Clop. The differences on the Dransom time manifests that the group is capable of staying undetected for long periods of time more than 2 monthsas well as getting root access as fast as their time allows 3 days. With the above data at hand, Gruop were able to accurately estimate the work focus of the group at specific days and times during the past year. During this week, the group released six different campaigns targeting various geographical regions.

We observe the group preparing two Monday campaigns on Sunday. And as for Tuesday, they managed to achieve the initial infection at Maastricht University.]
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