Autobiography of Elephant -

Autobiography of Elephant

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Metrics details. The characteristics of elephant grass, especially its stem lignocellulose, are of great significance for its quality as feed or other industrial raw materials. However, the research on lignocellulose biosynthesis pathway and key genes is limited because the genome of elephant grass has not been deciphered. In this study, RNA sequencing RNA-seq combined with lignocellulose content analysis and cell wall morphology observation using elephant grass stems from different development stages as materials were applied to reveal the genes that regulate the synthesis of cellulose and lignin. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes KEGG analysis of all DEGs showed that the two most abundant metabolic pathways were phenylpropane metabolism, starch and sucrose metabolism, which were closely related to cell wall development, hemicellulose, lignin and cellulose synthesis. A total of 43 candidate genes were screened, of which 17 had function annotations in other species. This study provides a basis for further understanding the molecular mechanisms of cellulose and lignin synthesis pathways of elephant grass, and offers a unique and extensive list of candidate genes for future specialized functional studies which may promote the development of high-quality elephant grass varieties with high cellulose and low lignin content. Fiber, which is mainly composed of three biological macromolecules of cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose, plays an essential role in plant growth and stress responses. The formation of fibers and deposition of components strengthen special types of cells, such as fiber cells and vessel cells, which form mechanical tissue to provide structural support and protection for plant cells, and produce negative pressure gradient to protect plant cells during transpiration. Fiber formation is a complex process, which requires the coordination and balance of multiple metabolic pathways [ 1 , 2 ]. Autobiography of Elephant.

The Elephant manwhose real Autobiography of Elephant was Joseph Merrick, was a citizen of English origin, famous for having been exhibited for the first time in a show in which he presented the severe facial and body deformities that he had, and that made him look like a freak of nature. Joseph Merrick suffered from a congenital medical condition that baffled medical experts of the time and terrified those who knew him in person.

Autobiography of Elephant

Autobiography of Elephant to his deformities, Merrick was unable to work in the everyday world like anyone else. His appearance and his difficulty in mobilizing and expressing limited him. To earn his livelihood, and Joseph being aware of the impression he was making on people, he decided to perform at traveling fairs, circuses and taverns in England.

He then adopted a name for his show that would capture the imagination of the audience.


Thus was born the show "The Elephant Man" that brought him lasting fame to this day. Although the name of the show conjured images of something wild and dangerous, those who knew Joseph Merrick, had a contrary opinion about him.

Autobiography of Elephant

Everyone was impressed by his gentleness and forgiving nature towards those around him including his pursuers. Among them was Dr. Frederick Treves, a surgeon at London Hospital who protected and befriended him in Elephang later years. In this sense, the doctor commented that Merrick's strong moral character and courage in the face of adversity had earned him his respect and admiration. Autobiography of Elephant to his biographers, the child Merrick was born in perfect health and without any visible deformation. When the future elephant man was about twenty months old, the mother began to notice an imperfection in the child's appearance; she had a small swelling under her upper lip on the right side.

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The swelling got bigger and firmer over the days. Over time, this deformity became of such proportions that it ended up pushing the baby's upper lip out. Progressively, his skin grew thick and lumpy and a bony lump grew on his forehead. Later, one of his arms and both of his feet began to enlarge. At some point during her childhood she fell and suffered damage to her hip, resulting in permanent lameness. His Autobiography of Elephant made it difficult for him to mix with other children to play. His mother did her best to make his life as close to normal as possible, sending him to a public school daily to socialize with other children. However, his deformities attracted the attention of his classmates. At that time, the Merrick boy had a bony lump growing on his forehead, his spine was twisting in a spiral, and Autobiography of Elephant walked with a limp.

The teasing and harassment of which he was a victim turned him into an introverted, lonely and dependent child.

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Between andvarious events changed his source. First, her father got a promotion at work and the family was able to move into a more spacious home. The other was the arrival of two more members of his family: his brothers William Arthur and Marion Eliza. The last was that his father became the owner of a haberdashery store.

Autobiography of Elephant

In that store, Merrick spent much of his childhood helping his mother.]

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