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Who Am I Why Am I Here - not clear

Green Eggs and Ham is a children's book by Dr. Seuss , first published on August 12, As of , the book has sold 8 million copies worldwide. Sam-I-Am tries to offer the unnamed character a plate of green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-Am. Finally, the character accepts the offer and samples the green eggs and ham. Who Am I Why Am I Here

my musings on being a work in progress

Rather, the more days I spend on this earth, the more I think the key comes from something else entirely. This means recognizing and living out my true identity based not on what the world deems worthy, but on who God says I am—created, purposed, talented, strong, chosen, loved, brave, free, forgiven, redeemed, complete, and victorious. But it is totally exhausting to think I have to constantly be working on fixing myself, to somehow save myself. We need to put these words in front of our minds more often than we ingest the ways of the world.

Who Am I Why Am I Here

Romans We need to bind them to our hearts and post them around our homes. Deuteronomy We need to say these truths to one another, to encourage us all to live out our strengths and purpose. Hebrews This site Whj Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

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One thought on “Who Am I Why Am I Here

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  3. You, probably, were mistaken?

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