The War On Drugs Illegal Healthy Or -

The War On Drugs Illegal Healthy Or The War On Drugs Illegal Healthy Or The War On Drugs Illegal Healthy Or

It's been a long year of conflict and partisanship. Still, on Tuesday, citizens around the US came together to fight back against a decades-old and overwhelmingly unsuccessful war on drugs.

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New Jersey, Montanaand South Dakota joined 11 other states that have legalized recreational marijuana. Along with Mississippi, South Dakota also legalized medical marijuana, a step which 33 other states have already taken.

The War On Drugs Illegal Healthy Or

The US capital has deprioritized the prosecution of those who possess psilocybin — a compound in psychedelic mushrooms — and Oregon has created a program that will license distributors to supply and oversee the use of the trippy fungi. Oregon also became the first state to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of street drugsincluding cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines, though it will remain illegal to sell these substances.

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We're not showing any change in the number of addicts, so people are starting to question whether the expenditure is right. Over the last six months, citizens have taken to the streets pushing for police reform, arguing that officers have been tasked with doing jobs that they're not suited for — including handling mental health and addiction emergencies — which have too often resulted in violence and over-incarceration. We would significantly decrease the conflict between police and communities in the country. An overwhelming majority of American adults believe that marijuana should be legal for medical or recreational use, according to a Pew Research Center survey.

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Legalizing drugs, including marijuana, has created a sea change among police forces who have typically used minor offenders' arrests as a stepping stone to finding dealers and chains.

In many cases, people with low-level offenses are told they'll be given reduced fines if they reveal their drug sources. With legalization, though, arresting someone for possession in many states will no longer be possible. Like Kenney, some experts believe that moving away from Healty aggressive prosecution of drug-related offenses could be a good thing.

The War On Drugs Illegal Healthy Or

Criminal justice experts, like Kenney, say that with or without a change in statutes, a shift in public opinion has already prompted most police officers to turn the corner on taking an interest in low-level drug crimes, especially when it comes to marijuana. Girvan agrees that many state law enforcement agencies have already moved on from thinking police are the answer to addiction issues.]

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